Last night while we were out running errands for our hopefully soon move, I had the bright idea that we should stop by the store and run in real quick (and by "we", I mean David ran in while I stayed in the warm car) and buy some bacon, hash browns, and eggs so we could have ourselves a hearty breakfast when we woke up this morning.
Nothing like a protein packed breakfast to grow some babies!
So when I got up this morning, I got started on this delicious feast I had planned.
Have I mentioned lately that I am pregnant?? Well, in case I hadn't yet, I am. (And very, very, very, VERY excited about it!!) But one noted side effect of pregnancy is a new onset of scatter-brainess (is that a word?) or rather, the inability to focus.
I will admit, I have never exactly been great with this when it comes to cooking pre-pregnancy, but it's multiplied by like 1000 now.
I enjoy cooking, I really do. It's just I don't enjoy the standing there...just watching it. Not doing anything, just WAITING for the next step. I don't do that part well. I have a tendency to get distracted easily.
This morning I had the bacon going, and had just put the measured amount of oil in the pan to heat up for the hash browns. Realizing this was going to take a few minutes to heat up, and given my inability to just stand there and wait (see above paragraph), I decided to sit down real quick and write an overdue thank you note.
Well, I got so into my card that I didn't really remember breakfast and the aforementioned oil until the smoke alarm started blaring.
It was bad, people. Bad. Bad enough to send my asthmatic husband upstairs for a bit while we attempted to air out the entire bottom floor of our house.
Ok, Kendra, you gotta focus here...I told myself. Once the pan stopped smoking, I added the hash browns to it and made a mental note of the clock to flip them in 4 minutes.
I did real good and stayed right there by the stove the entire 4 minutes.
Monkeys can learn.
I continued to make bacon, got the eggs going, and then finally it was time to flip the hash browns. I did so. Perfectly cooked! Hooray for focus!!
I made a mental note of the clock again in order to remove them from the pan in 4 more minutes.
Well, apparently I was feeling a little arrogant about my so-far-hash-brown success, and I decided I could fold a quick load of laundry. I mean, who can't fold a load of towels in 4 minutes?
Me. I can't.
Black hash browns.
Curse words begin to fly out of my mouth.
I decide I will do nothing further but devote myself to what's left of breakfast at this point. I dutifully stand over the stove and literally watch bacon and eggs fry.
A few minutes later, I take stock of my breakfast project: Bacon... browning nicely. Eggs...just sitting there. Hmm...what's wrong with the eggs? I turn the burner up a bit.
I am ashamed to admit that it wasn't until 3 more pieces of bacon had completed the entire cooking process before I realized that I had in fact turned on the wrong burner for the eggs.
By the time the eggs were finally done, the bacon and charred hash browns were cold.
So...yes, in answer to the obvious question plaguing all of your minds right now, yes I will only be answering to the name "Suzy Homemaker" from now on.
On a different note, all weekend my mind has been preoccupied with the knowledge that our ultrasound is on Monday.
Am I nervous? Not so much, but I always get a little nervous before our doctor's appointments.
Old habits die hard.
But it's not nerves that's on my mind. It's the realization that in less than 48 hours from now, we will have seen our beautiful miracles again, we will have (hopefully, God-willing) gotten a great report about their progress, AND we will most likely have found out their sexes.
Monday I will learn if I have daughters, sons, or both a daughter and a son growing inside of me.
I can hardly believe it.
There are still many, many moments during the day that this doesn't feel real to me. I can't help but think that knowing more about my children will help this whole miracle sink in all the more. Being able to refer to them by name...oh how I look forward to that.
I get asked a lot if I have a preference. The honest answer is no. David and I are so overjoyed with this pregnancy and our two children, we can not imagine being disappointed at all. Each of the combination options sounds exciting and wonderful to us. What we really want, from the bottom of our hearts, is healthy children. Hand to God. If for some reason they are not able to tell us the sexes on Monday, that is ok with me. What my heart truly desires is a good report, that both babies have all the parts and organs they are supposed to, and that everything is working as it should.
I can not imagine asking for anything more, and I can not imagine finding any more contentment in my heart than knowing my babies are healthy.
Two more days.
Happy Halloween to all!!!
More Christmas Ice
2 years ago