So The Husband and I decided we needed to take a vacation. We wanted to have something really fun to look forward to on the horizon. We are leaving for Hawaii on December 11th and will come home on the 17th. We are soooooooo excited! Dave has never been to Hawaii. I went once in the 7th grade with a friends family and LOVED it.
Exciting, right? Fun, right? Something to look forward to, right?
Yes. Absolutely yes.
So what's my dilemma??
That ladies, is my dilemma.
No, that is not a picture of me (HA!) but rather a picture of the Target model off their website. It is however the swimsuit I have ordered for our vacation.
It had not been 10 seconds since we pressed the "enter" key to officially book our trip before my husband says "will you please wear a bikini in Hawaii??". Yikes. I have not worn a two piece bathing suit since our honeymoon. And that was 4 years and 14 pounds ago. Yup- 14 pounds. Yikes again!! Instantly my mind races to think of colder, long sleeve-requiring places we can vacation instead... "I hear the Arctic is quite nice that time of year" or "how about an Alaskan cruise instead?" Come on snowsuit!! Alas, it's too late.
Now to be clear here, I have an AMAZING husband who is very complimentary of me. He is always saying wonderful things about me. He tells me I don't need to change a thing and to just throw that old bathing suit on and strut my stuff. But I know for a fact there is a little too much "stuff" to be strutting right now!!
So, enter my new BFF here...
Hello lover.
Chocolatey yumminess. And only 1 point- yahoo!! I am way too cheap to pay for the actual ww's classes and program, but thanks to the internet I have access to all I need. Between ww's and the gym there is a chance I will actually wear the swimsuit I have ordered on a beach in Hawaii!!
Here goes nothing...
More Christmas Ice
2 years ago
confidence trumps curves anyday... and lucky you, you've got both! :)
if we could just find some way to harbor your advice-giving confidence into a body-loving confidence, you'd never even bat an eye at the idea of wearing a two-piece.
i'm workin' on it, don't worry.
You can do it! I kinda am working on the same goal except I have a little longer and no where fun to go- I just want to be confidant in a bikini by next summer. Good Luck!
You go girl. I don't have any desire to wear a bikini, but that's just me...
I've been to Hawaii once, and loved it.
I'm so there w/ you except that I have WAY more than 14 pounds to lose. I adore you for joining the blogging cousins crusade.
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