Monday, March 22, 2010

A day of rejoicing!

Well today has been just a great day so far!

It's sunny out, for starters, and who doesn't love that?

We had our weekly doctor's appointment today, and all is looking well. My doctor is on vacation on until Thursday, so I saw the same one I did last week. He is really friendly and easy-going and we liked him a lot. He did a quick ultrasound to check on the babies positioning, and they are both still head down (HOORAY!), and looking great! Luke was even practicing his breathing =). The fluid around both of them looked super too, so it appears all is going well.

Thanks be to God!

My bp was still higher than my "normal", but lower than last week, so that's great. I am officially up 42 pounds, and I am feeling it! I just feel so big and out of shape. I vacuumed the house when we got home, and seriously needed a nap after- Ha!

We went over all our instructions for our induction on Friday. It was so surreal. David always gets a kick out of how "all of a sudden" these things become real to me. As we were walking out I kept saying "can you believe we are going to have babies this weekend?!" like it was the first time I had realized it. He's always like "Yes! I can believe it, that's been the plan!". Ha I guess he lives in a little bit more reality than I do =).

We feel good about this plan. If you have any horrible things to say about induction, please keep them to yourself...=). Trust me, before I was pregnant with twins, I had PLENTY of my own thoughts about how things "should" be done. But it's all gone out the window as we pray and trust the Lord and also trust the doctor whom He has provided for us. All we want is healthy babies. Delivery day is not about me and what I hope to glean from the experience. All I want is two healthy babies safely brought into this world. My doctor has said from the beginning that she usually doesn't let twin pregnancies go beyond 38 weeks, simply because they run out of room. At our last growth ultrasound at the beginning of the month, they were both measuring close to 6 pounds, and we have now passed the 37 week mark which means they are considered full term even for singletons.

We do however covet your prayers during this week, as I am sure Satan will try and torment my mind with fears during the wait. Also we appreciate your prayers for the delivery! We will be heading to the hospital at 5am on Friday morning to start pitocin. The doctor said it will most likely be a bit of a slow process to start out with, but that we should have babies within 24 hours.

SOOOOO exciting!!!!

We will finally get to meet our precious babies! Our long awaited babies!!!!



God has been so faithful and so gracious to us.

As I've shared recently with some new friends that have emailed me about their waiting for their babies, my "life verse" over the last year or so has been Romans 15:13

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

That is my prayer, that I may OVERFLOW with hope, and that God would just fill me completely with all joy and peace, and help me to trust in Him.

Afterall, Luke and Abbey are precious to Him as well.



Amanda Ledford said...

I am praying for you and SO excited to "meet" your babies!

Charity Nee said...

Whoohoo!! Praying for you... how exciting!!! ;) ;)

Guy and Julie said...

So excited for you! I'm proud that you're not letting anyone give you a hard time about inducing. I had a c-section, and I had some people, even dear friends, give me a hard time about it, even though there were good medical reasons for it and my doctor strongly recommended it. Even though you know it's the right thing for you and your baby, it still rubs all over you the wrong way when people say stuff!! Will say a prayer for you and your sweet little ones. And can I say how IMPRESSED I am at 42 pounds with twins--way to go!!!

Kaycee said...

So exciting! I have been a lurker for awhile and I don't think I have commented before - but I just had to speak up today. I wanted to say that I totally agree with you that in the end the most important thing is two healthy babies - doesn't matter how you get there. I was induced (at 10 days overdue) and never though I would do an induction, but due to the situation that was the best choice for my daughter so that's what we did. I am sure everything will go well for you and those precious babies. People will tell you to "enjoy it while you can" about all sorts of things this week, but it's hard to focus on anything but those babies - so my advice is to just enjoy that! :) Congratulations!

Stephanie said...

It's so close! I'm so excited for you!

The whole birthing conversation really gets over the top. You won't hear any criticism from me about an induction. My only advice I would give is to read up on natural delivery and pain management, regardless of what your plan on an epidural is. I had always intended to have an epidural, but I read a book on natural childbirth anyway, out of curiosity. It really changed my experience (for the better) - it helped me understand what was happening and how to work with my body during labor, rather than fighting against the pain. It made all the difference in how I remember the experience, too. Anyway, that's my only advice.

Yay for babies!

nbrown said...

holy shniekies (David, could we get a proper spelling on this Tommy Boy reference, please?)... i'm going to get my hospital lobby entertainment bag ready. :)

Lianna Knight said...

GREAT GREAT news Kendra :)

Praying for you, your hubby, and both babies. I KNOW you will have a smooth delivery with two healthy babies as a result.

I can't believe how the time has flown...I'm sure to you, it has taken forever!!!

Enjoy every minute of it :)

Katie said...

Praying that God will fill you with Joy and Peace over the next few days.

Lori said...

Ok, I have been behind on my blog reading!! I was so happy and excited to see that Friday is the big day!! AHHHH! It's funny how you said it is just now sinking in that the babies are coming, because that's how I feel too! I just cannot believe that we are going to be able to meet these precious little ones!!!I will be praying extra hard for you!!!
My sister was induced with all 4 of her kids, and she had 4 great labors!!! :)

kriswalls said...

I will be praying for you this week and especially on Friday! Jesus will send you peace, comfort, and strength. You will find that mothers retain special God given qualities and gifts that help them deal with life's situations.

As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you..."
Isaiah 66:13

I really don't think it matters how your children enter the world- labor is painful and uncomfortable! But so WORTH it!

A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. John 16:21

What a beautiful and joyful Friday this will be!

Chelsie said...

Kendra I am so excited for you guys!! You made it further with your twins than I did with my one baby! And the twins sound like they already weigh almost as much as KK did! Amazing!!! I cannot wait to meet these precious ones and don't worry, Induction is not as bad as some people say...I was induced and I slept through most of the can do it!!! Love you!

Sarah said...

Happy labor day tomorrow Kendra! Hope you have a great epidural (I'd totally hook you up with a fantastic one if I could). :) Prayers for a smooth and safe labor and delivery.

Both my boys were induced, and everything went great for both of them.
