Lots of purple around our house these days...
Purple baby lips

When they woke up the first morning after we tried this stuff, they had it all over their lips, cheeks and faces! We kept saying how they looked like characters in the movie "Braveheart"....FREEDOM!!!!!!!!! hahaha.
We have purple stains on sheets & blankies & shirts.
All this purple thanks to Gentain Violet, which is working wonders for our thrush! Thanks to those of you that suggested it, and a HUGE thanks to my amazing sister Natalie who drove to 47 different stores to get it for us.
Oh, and also, a purple pinky toe...

'Cauz I broke it.
And do you know what you do for a broken toe? Absolutely nothing apparently.
Not much else going on around here. Lazy weekend for our family. Natalie was here Thursday and Friday, which is always fun =) She made us a super yummy dinner and we played Scrabble.
We stayed home from Church today because our family needed some more sleep. We've had some off nights this week. Don't know if it's the hot weather or perhaps a growth spurt, but Abbey has re-introduced a 12:30am feeding three out of the last five nights. Then Luke is up around the usual 3am, and I learned I've got to wake Ab's up after he goes back down and feed her again, or she'll no doubt wake up the minute my head hits the pillow =). This morning when Dave's alarm went off at 7am, both babies were sound asleep...a rarity in this house! So we took advantage of it and slept more too. Luke woke up a little before 8am, and we woke Abbey at 8:45am! I know what so many of you are thinking - The Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt never wake a sleeping baby- well with twins that "rule" doesn't really apply, or they will be on opposite schedules all day!
Hope you all are having a nice weekend =)
Purple baby lips
When they woke up the first morning after we tried this stuff, they had it all over their lips, cheeks and faces! We kept saying how they looked like characters in the movie "Braveheart"....FREEDOM!!!!!!!!! hahaha.
We have purple stains on sheets & blankies & shirts.
All this purple thanks to Gentain Violet, which is working wonders for our thrush! Thanks to those of you that suggested it, and a HUGE thanks to my amazing sister Natalie who drove to 47 different stores to get it for us.
Oh, and also, a purple pinky toe...
'Cauz I broke it.
And do you know what you do for a broken toe? Absolutely nothing apparently.
Not much else going on around here. Lazy weekend for our family. Natalie was here Thursday and Friday, which is always fun =) She made us a super yummy dinner and we played Scrabble.
We stayed home from Church today because our family needed some more sleep. We've had some off nights this week. Don't know if it's the hot weather or perhaps a growth spurt, but Abbey has re-introduced a 12:30am feeding three out of the last five nights. Then Luke is up around the usual 3am, and I learned I've got to wake Ab's up after he goes back down and feed her again, or she'll no doubt wake up the minute my head hits the pillow =). This morning when Dave's alarm went off at 7am, both babies were sound asleep...a rarity in this house! So we took advantage of it and slept more too. Luke woke up a little before 8am, and we woke Abbey at 8:45am! I know what so many of you are thinking - The Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt never wake a sleeping baby- well with twins that "rule" doesn't really apply, or they will be on opposite schedules all day!
Hope you all are having a nice weekend =)
All I can thinkg of is Violet Beauregard from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory! That's pretty funny!
OUch, Ouch...your poor lil toe! :( I hope it heals fast! Thank goodness it's flip flop season!
And the purple looks very cute on them...infact anything probably looks cute on them! :)
They are growing so much...and love their smiles in the pictures below!
Thinking of you!
Purple is pretty, especially when it's healing Twins.
Ya'll are great parents. Getting kiddo's on a schedule, and keeping them on a schedule, is an ongoing effort. Good job.
Yay, Natalie.
The purple maybe hard to get out but nothing and I mean nothing works as good as it does!! Brayden had it for weeks different prescriptiuons, none worked until the purple stuff came into our life and I swear he was better by morning! I am glad they are getting better! And I hope your baby toe gets better too!
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