We've had a great weekend here at our house!
We are so lucky to have 3 sets of grandparents who are always offering to babysit so Dave & I can have a date night. We haven't really taken advantage of these offers yet because I need to be here to nurse the babies before they go down for the night, and they don't go down until about 8pm. But we got a phone call from my Dad on Thursday saying that my stepmom was going to be meeting up with a friend here in town on Friday evening, and could he come and hang out with the babies? Sure! We all hung out a bit and then the babies went down for the night and Dave and I left to grab a late dinner at The Olive Garden...yummmm...=). It was so funny leaving for dinner and giving my Dad instructions on what to do if the babies woke up...a very "full circle" moment for me! HA!
GrandDad and Abbey
Saturday we just hung around the house and had a good balance of getting things done and doing absolutely nothing. I let David sleep in until almost 10:00am and you would have thought I bought him season tickets to the Blazers he was so happy! Hahaha. He kept saying all day how he had forgotten how nice it was to actually sleep in. The babies and I slept alright that night too. They each only got up once, which was back to what they had been doing before their little growth-spurt-back-to-twice-a-night-each-feedings. What's funny (or not really) is that I guess I had adjusted back to twice a night feedings in that week because I kept waking up throughout the night thinking "shouldn't a baby be up now?" until they finally did wake up to eat.
Speaking of the babies, they had lots of fun this weekend...
They ate/played with their lovies...
They practiced standing...
They tried out their new exersaucer...
Abigail wasn't quite sure what to think of this new thing:
Lucas was a fan though!
I was so excited to try out the exersaucer, and truthfully I may have tried it out a little early for them. They weren't quite into it yet. I had been researching them online and decided that this one was my favorite. Only problem was it retails for $99. Eek. I didn't love the idea of spending $100 on something with no guarantee our babies would even like it. So I did some Craigslist shopping and found the exact one I wanted for $30- yahoo! And I was pleasantly surprised when I went and picked it up to find it in PERFECT condition. I still ran some bleach wipes over every inch of it since my babies will no doubt try to eat it.
And today something very noteworthy happened.
I got myself and the babies up, dressed, fed, and out the door to Church all by myself and we were even on time.
Stop for a moment and take that all in with me.
*Pat self on back*
Every Sunday David runs the sound for the Church service, so he leaves early and goes and sets up while the Praise Band practices. Since the babies have been born, he usually comes back after that during the Sunday School hour and helps me get the babies ready and entertains them while I get ready. Since they have been so much better about entertaining themselves (and each other) for longer periods of time, I decided to give it a try on my own this morning. It went great!! Just look how cute they looked before we left:
After Church we came home, ate lunch, the babes took a little nap, and then I fed them and we headed out for a nice walk around the neighborhood. Today all the streets around us were blocked off so people could ride their bikes in between the parks that surround us. The parks had little events and booths at them.
And now it is wayyyy past my bed time so I must end this post.
Hope you all had a great weekend too!
Seriously, your sweet family could not get any cuter!!!!!! I want to give both those babies a big squeeze!!!! :)
It really does sound like a wonderful weekend. Here's to many more for you guys as Luke and Abbey continue to grow and explore.
SOOO cute! It looks like their little personalities are really emerging. I can't imagine getting 2 ready at that age by myself. Let's be truthful... I dread getting MY two ready by myself. Good for you, Kendra!
Yeah, more then a little jealous of all the grandparent baby sitting offers you get, but I know I'm the one that choose to move away. But we did make the most of "Baddad and Annie Granny's Babysitting Service" when we were up in Oregon. What a wonderful weekend! Great score on Craigslist. My life has forever been changed since you turned me on to that website dear sister. Ahh, I miss the babies so much.... such cuties! And way to go on making it on time on your own! That deserves way more than a pat on the back. I've got almost 3 years parenting experience on you and I still can't make it out the door anywhere on time. :)
I'm sure it'll still be out then, maybe at the cheap theater even!
Sounds like a great weekend--lots of sleep, church on time with 2 cutie babies, and then a nice walk. Perfect!
Wow that is a full weekend...but great enjoyment too! And a HUGE pat on the back for getting to church all by yourself! I know what its liike every sunday trying to do that too since Dan has to be there early...needless to say it never fails that one ofo the kids pooped or fell or accidentally tipped their milk out of the cereal bowl and then I have to change their clothes right before we are ready to leave! You are doing so great with them...they are so stinkin' cute! :)
Those two are the cutest little bitties! They have gotten so big already...it's just amazing how fast these babies grow isn't it? I just got Connor an exercaucer and he loves it and EATS on it too! LOL! He is trying to stick EVERYTHING in his mouth right now! Hope you are having a good week! <3 Becky
Way to go!! I am so impressed that you got the babies and you all ready and to church on time!! I'm sure you love this new milestone!!
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