Stephanie had a fun idea the other day. You know how we all get those "getting to know you" forwards? Well, she decided here to create a new one! And this one has hard-hitting, CNN, Crossfire-like questions...
Just kidding =-). But they are new and fun and they make you think! I told her I wanted to play along too so here goes:
Your favorite birthday: Lots of great birthday's, but this last one probably was my favorite. Came into work not expecting anything and was surprised by all kinds of balloons and decorations all over my desk! I hadn't really expected much and was slightly reminiscent as this was my first birthday ever away from "home", but my coworkers and new friends in our new city spoiled me rotten!! It was just the little things all day I hadn't expected...a coworker took me out to lunch, because my desk was decorated patients kept wishing me happy birthday all day, I got gifts that showed me people really knew me.... In the evening Dave took me to my favorite restaurant (pre-Melting Pot that is!) The Olive Garden, and then we spent the rest of the evening walking around Ikea. I know that last part sounds strange, but it was brand new here and he had never wanted to go...hard to turn your wife down on her birthday though! HA!
Favorite way to spend a day off: Sleeping in for sure, then spending the morning with a good cup of coffee in the quiet for a bit, then some mindless tv or a magazine...all while still in my jammies. Then get ready and get a few minor projects done (always makes me feel accomplished). When I have a weekday afternoon off, I love to wander around Target or Old Navy (or both!), because I work M-F, 8:30am- 5:00pm and the stores are always so busy at the times I can usually go! My favorite way to cap a day off is with a nice dinner out with Dave, where neither of us has to cook or clean dishes, then back home for a movie.
Best song to turn all the way up and sing to: Too many to count!! But the first three that come to mind are "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty, or "What's Going On?" By 4 NonBlondes (anyone else remember that song??) or "Faith" by George Michael.
All three of those will cause me to lose any shame I might have and continue my dance/singing full on rock out even while at a stand still. Normally I would only rock out while driving and halt all rocking out and pretend to be normal while at a red light.
What television show will cause you to ignore your roommate/spouse/children/phone until the next commercial? The Office, for sure!!!
When was the last time you cursed at the tv? Can't remember. I am not saying it doesn't happen, I just can't remember the last time it did. Probably during the election coverage...
If you have kids, what are you most likely to let your kids get away with when you're tired? Don't have kids of my own yet, but my niece Cadence can pretty much do nothing wrong in my eyes!! Sorry Amanda, but it's true, I have an Auntie's love for sure!! When they were visiting this summer and sweet little Cadence was fussy, I just about signed over my 401K to get her to stop fussing. I would have done anything to make those whimpers stop!!!!!
Aside from major milestones, what is your best moment (to date)? Walking back down the aisle -holding David's hand- as a married woman. I know, I's a "major milestone", but it's what first came to my mind =-). Second thing was the first time I got to hold my miracle niece Cadence in my arms at 4 months old, after a good hour of looking at her up close while other family members held her.
Are you an extrovert or introvert? How do you know? Hmmm...probably introvert. (If my dad is reading this he just fell off his chair). I used to be an extrovert for sure, but the older I get, the more I have become an introvert. How do I know? I don't really like to answer my phone, I am a home-body for sure, and I have a hard time really telling people what's wrong. I am a whiner, sure, but really getting down to the heart of what's going on with me with someone rarely happens. That's part of the reason I started a blog...time to open back up!
So now it's your turn! Feel free to play along!!!! =-). Thanks for the great idea Stephanie, and it's great getting to know you better =-)
More Christmas Ice
2 years ago
All three of the songs you mentioned totally cause me to lose all singing shame, too. And Olive Garden has good memories for me, so I love it for that reason more than the food.
INTROVERT!!!! This from the elementary school Star Stage Queen? The original Motor Mouth, who's mouth never stopped moving until she fell asleep? The kiddo who literally "performed" in the middle of the room, if there was ANYONE there to watch??? And, practiced for future performances, if no one was around?
Maybe you've just gone through a stage of 'cacooning' after growing up with four sisters.
Anyway... for whatever reason, I'm glad you're blogging. Your entries are a hoot.
Ok, so maybe he didn't fall off his chair...but he sure did use an awful lot of !!!!! 's. =-)
This is great! I love these things and loved learning more about you!
Thank you so much for your prayers. I am praying for you as well, Kendra!
I don't know which made me laugh more, the fact that you claimed to be an introvert, or the fact that you mentioned dad falling out of his chair as he would be reading that. Um, yeah, I have a hard time believing it to as a child. You were ALWAYS parading around the neighborhood with a gazillion other girls never ever alone. But in truth, yes, age has mellowed you more and you and I are both very homebody like these days.
Your devotion to your niece brings tears to my eyes! I still feel a little guilty not letting you fly over after she was first born. Those are special moments you will never get back. I'm sorry the situation didn't work out more that you could come meet her before she was 4 months old. But you were oh so much a part of her life even an ocean apart.
Fun blog post!
And I say hey-yeah-yeah-yeah, hey-yeah-yeah. I say hey, what's going on?
I'm right there w/ ya coz. I like that song too!
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