Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hills and Valleys

"Hills and Valleys Kendra, Hills and Valleys". That's what David always says to me when I feel like we are in a funk. You know those times? When you aren't necessarily arguing or anything, but you just seem to have trouble communicating?? I tend to be Chicken Little and think "Oh no! Something must be wrong here!!!!" and usually ever-calm David reminds me it's just the natural flow of things. It's bound to happen from time to's just life.

Recently I found myself thinking about the Holidays and this time of year. It is by far my very favorite time of year, and I began reflecting back on the last few Holiday seasons. I then found my mind wandering to just life in general, and soon I began to see Hills and Valleys on a much grander scale...

I thought about my wedding day, and how incredibly happy I was. Complete and utter bliss! I was overjoyed that day, so full of amazement at how things were turning out for me. Life was just... wonderful. I vividly remember while we having some outdoor pictures taken, looking up at the beautiful sunshine and cloudless sky (in Oregon, in May!!) and thinking "I am so blessed", I remember feeling like God was just smiling down on us... And as we finished the pictures, I remember walking back into the church and seeing someone I barely knew at the time, whom I had heard had just suffered a miscarriage. I remember wanting to go up to her and hug her...but I barely knew her, and didn't know if she was aware that I knew, so I decided against it. I remember thinking it so strange that it was one of the greatest days of my life, and yet, probably one of her worst. Hills and Valleys...

I remember several years later when that very same girl had a baby, and she was overjoyed! And although I was truly happy for her, my heart was also in shambles because I had just had my miscarriage, and I ached terribly as I held her newborn son. Hills and Valleys...

I thought about a dear family member of mine who these days spends her time counting her blessings and loving her life (And may God bless her for constantly recognizing it!) She is often overjoyed with the contentment and happiness she feels. But upon thinking back I remember many years ago when she went through an extremely difficult time in her life. I can't help but wonder if during that time she had doubts that things would ever look bright again...Hills and Valleys...

My thoughts wandered to a friend whom at this very time last year was down in the dumps, wondering if the boyfriend she loved so desperately would ever propose...if her "life would ever begin". Today she finds herself not only married to that man, but expecting a baby girl next Spring...Hills and Valleys...

And here's another one - Just today one of the surgeons I work for had to cancel his entire clinic day due to an emergency heart transplant he needed to preform at the hospital. Such a strange person, most likely overjoyed at the prospect of a new heart -a new chance at life, while another's has come to an end...A Hilltop for one family, and no doubt a Valley for another...

I can't help but let my mind wonder what this time next year will look like for David & I... Will there be a little one here? On it's way? Will we still live in our little townhome? or will we possibly have purchased a home?? With David finishing grad school next year, will we even still live in this city? In this state? This country?? Whether next winter finds us 0n a Hill or in a Valley, I rest assured knowing that I am promised both. And to be honest I am grateful for them both. The Valleys make the Hills so much sweeter. Sometimes I wonder if you can even experience pure joy without having experienced true heartache. And although I do praise Him on the Hilltop, I cling to Him in the Valley. And anything that makes you cling to Jesus, can't be altogether bad, can it?

So here's to the Hills and the Valleys...


Anonymous said...

Wow is all that I can say. This post was amazing and so very true. After going to the dr. today I needed to hear this more than you could ever know. Thank you so much for sharing this.

kinsey said...

you said it so well...and i needed to hear it today. thank you.

Vanessa's Dad said...

Very touching vision. In Bible Study Fellowship, we're studying Moses, and how God used adversity to mature and grow Moses into what God wanted him to be. Hills and Valleys. Lord help me see what you want me to see in the Valleys.

Anonymous said...

No, actually my dr.'s appt. went really well yesterday. It is just always frustrating to go and see very young pg girls in the waiting room. Plus, I am so tired of having to go to the dr and do 2 ultrasounds a month. We just have to keep remembering that our time will come.

Amanda said...

Wow, that's a lot of deep thinking. I think you are looking at it the correct way. There will be both hills and valley's all throughout life. And they are both important. Without the valley's, you can't fully appreciate the hills. And as you pointed out, most importantly, Jesus will be with you for both the hills and the valleys.

amy (metz) walker said...

I love this post...

I think that as little girls, we are either sold or sell ourselves the idea of a perfect fairytale. The truth is that life is going to have its ups and downs - Hills and Valleys - and thats the more healthy perspective!

Thanks for this!

The Writer Chic said...

What a sweet, sweet post!

Faith said...

Beautiful post, Kendra. I think about the very same things and I do believe that the joy on the mountaintop will be so much sweeter after having gone through the valley.

And this, "And anything that makes you cling to Jesus, can't be altogether bad, can it?" No, it sure can't! God is working and refining and I know deep down we wouldn't want it any other way.

Thanks for this. Praying for you!

Unknown said...

And here's to faith that keeps us steady through the journey through the hills & valleys. And here's to friends & family to walk w/ us.

Jenna said...

Wow. What an amazing post! I am so glad I clicked over and read this - it's so true!! And I think you are absolutely right - the valleys make the hills oh so sweet!

Mary said...

So true, and such a good way to view life