We've had lots of fun in the last two months that I haven't made the time to blog about. For shame...gotta document these memories =) !!
In December we went to the Zoo Lights with some of our favorite family friends. Unfortunately, it was FREEZING, and Luke and Abbey refused to wear their
adorable gloves I had bought them. So even though we had every other part of their body triple layered (including double socks and their warmest shoes!) their poor little hands were too cold and thus we had some cranky toddlers. I only managed to capture one picture:

Awesome, right? Ha. I was too busy comforting an unhappy toddler (or two) to take any pictures. Hopefully next year we can get some gloves on those precious hands!
We've also made several trips to
OMSI recently and the kids seem to love it more each time we go. I love that the little kids room is only one (giant) room with only one manned exit. It helps me feel so much more secure when I take them there by myself, especially as they continue to explore further and further away from Momma.

Luke was in Heaven playing with all the cars and trucks on this car mat!

While Abbey dug the sand...

...and the water play! Sis was right at home playing here!

And then last weekend was my Moms of Multiples winter party at
The Children's Museum. It was our first time there, and David wasn't able to go so it was just me and the twins, so I was busy chasing and playing with my babies most the night, but I did manage to grab a few pictures...
Both kids loved this train table!! I see one in our future...

Driving a bus...

A couple of cuties!