It dawned on me recently that I only have a small amount of years left where my babies are just, around, every day.
They are starting a 3's/pre-K class this very Fall. Now, granted that will only be two mornings a week, and only 2.5 hours each of those mornings, but still.
The year after that will be pre-K, and the year after that, Kindergarten. Then on to Elementary school...5 days a week, for several hours a day.
I'd be lying if I said there weren't days were I look forward to this kind of a future...
Those days when both kids are driving me crazy and I just want FIVE MINUTES alone in the house to get something done already!!!!
But honestly, most the time I feel sad when I think about Abbey and Luke being gone so much.
These days, they talk my ear off all day long. They want to tell me every single thing they can think of. Sometimes, it can be exhausting. But really, how much longer are they going to
want their Momma to know about their everyday? I know a day will come - probably far sooner than when I am ready - where they will be vying for the attention of someone else.
They are already growing up so dang fast. Every day they say or do something new that just amazes Dave and I. They grab blankets and pillows and make beds on the living room floor to watch Curious George when they wake up. Babies don't do that. Toddlers don't do that.
Kids do that.
I mean, look at how grown up my baby girl looks here...
So, we're trying to make the most of our days together this summer. We're being intentional about our time together and soaking up this summer of Three-Year-Olds =)
Here are some of the adventures we've had so far:
We went and visited The Tulip Festival a few towns over...

We enjoyed all the beautiful flowers, and also the slides and jumping castles for kids!
We've also spent plenty of lazy mornings, hanging around the house in our jammies, enjoying our toys.
...and our Dog.
We went with some friends of ours strawberry picking! Luke and Abbey had SO much fun doing this!
And I seriously underestimated how many strawberries they could pick!
We made the trip up to Seattle to see
Aunt Mem graduate college. I am crazy proud of this girl. She is heading to Zambia soon to teach 8th/9th grade. (feel free to clinic on the link above and follow her journey!)
And driving that far meant an overnight at a hotel, which we made sure had a pool =)
Luke jumping to Daddy, Abbey jumping to GrandDad!
Our hotel room had one King bed and one fold out couch bed, which is where the kids slept. To help them settle in in this new environment (and with Momma and Daddy in the same room), we brought our travel DVD player and let them watch Clifford before bed. They fell asleep snuggled together like this...melt a Momma's heart!
And more hanging out at home with our toys =)
We were gifted a Zoo Membership for the twins' birthday this year, and we've decided to make the most of it, rain or shine!
The kids and I planned a Zoo day the night before, and woke up to rain. But, we went anyways.
Luke declared this Elephant the Daddy one, "cauz it has a beard".
Lots of puddle jumping in our day...
First time on the Zoo Train!
And we're made sure to have plenty of fun outdoors at our house as well. We inflated our pool and purchased a little sprinkler, and the kids have had SO much fun.
Hooray for Summertime. And for making memories.