In January, we made a big leap in our house...Abigail and Lucas got bunk beds!
We'd been talking about building bunk beds pretty much since we bought the house. We knew space was limited, and they were a great way to maximize some. I'd been checking out beds for awhile now, just trying to decide what I wanted. I knew I wanted a very solid set, as obviously bunk beds double as a climbing structure for two 3-year-olds =). I also knew I wanted the top bunk low, like below my shoulders. I wanted to be able to peak in easily at my sleeping babe =)
I finally picked out a set I liked, and Dave and Uncle Tony created plans, shopped for wood and supplies, and got to work!
The twins were SO THRILLED to watch this process throughout the morning!
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Luke testing it out for Daddy...
Pretty excited kiddos!

That morning I took them to Target to pick out sheets for their new beds, since we don't own any twin sized sheets. I told them they could each pick out two sets, and they could pick whatever they wanted.
We walked down the "Boys aisle" and the "Girls aisle" (pet peeve of mine...whose to say a girl doesn't want Batman sheets? Or a boy Doc McStuffins? Argh) and they each deliberated for a bit before making their final choices.
Ab's ended up going with Hello Kitty and Horses, while Luke chose Spiderman and Toy Story.
They're actually in each others bunks here, but this is the finished (for now) project! We eventually want to paint them, but for now they are sanded, sturdy, and safe =).
David and I worried it might be a battle over who got the top bunk, but the kids actually decided it themselves without a single argument (thankyouJesus).
Whenever we talked about building the beds, they'd both say "and Lucas will be on the top one, and Abbey on the bottom!".
We're glad it worked out that way, because I had some legit fears about Ab's being on the top bunk. She is a wicked crazy sleeper! Even though there is siding around nearly the whole top bunk, I just felt uneasy about her crazy sleeping antics.
Think I'm overreacting?
We found her -asleep- like this one night...

True story.
I think they've each enjoyed having their own little space, and while Luke feels lucky to be on the top bunk (he especially likes to peer out the window from up there =) ), Abbey loves her "cave" down below! She snuggles in with her 3,247 lovies (which never all fit on her little toddler bed) and is so happy.
We've been pleased with how well they've shared their space as well. The rule is, you're not allowed on the other person's bed - in their space- without their permission first. So far, they each seem pretty welcoming =).
This picture is blurry, but I wanted to post it because it's a moment that warmed my heart.
I heard them up and chatting one morning, but they weren't yet calling for me to see if they could get up. I peaked in on them and found this...
...they were both sitting up on Luke's bunk, watching the outside world, and talking together.
Our babies are growing up.