As I also mentioned, I accidentally deleted ALL my pictures from the shower, so this post is late due to my need to collect pictures from others who were there.
It was an unfortunate error on my part, but honestly one that I (as well as my beloved husband) am surprised hadn't occurred before. I have a nasty habit of trying to edit/delete pictures while they are still on our camera, instead of waiting until they are all safely downloaded on the computer. And, I am impatient, so usually moving quite rapidly while deleting.
Like I said, it's a miracle this was the first time.
Lesson learned.
Like I said, it's a miracle this was the first time.
Lesson learned.
Moving on...
The shower day was such a special day!! I can't believe how much work my mom and sisters and sisters friends put into this shower. The house was decorated all over with super cute blue and pink decorations, including a sign for my kids...
My sister Natalie and her friends Kaitlynn and Joelle, and my other sisters Vanessa and Emily
went to town preparing the food.
I would show you a picture, but hey I deleted it.
My mom's dinning room table was packed with delicious goodness. I couldn't even be bothered to open presents at first when it was time because I was too busy consuming my second (or fourth or fifth) plate.
Like I said, my mom and my sisters went ALL OUT for this thing!
Here is a picture of the 5 of us:
My older sister Amanda wasn't able to make it, as she lives in another state and not only do they have a toddler, but currently 3 foster children as well.
We missed Amanda very much, but I did get to talk to her on the phone for awhile the night before, which was fun. And I also got to hear this adorable little girl... off her new skill of saying "umbrella". It was really fun to talk to her too, although in addition to "umbrella", she also kept saying "bye!" and trying to hang up on me.
Could be a sign that I was having more fun than her. I am choosing to pretend that wasn't the case though.
My mom's living room quickly filled up with so many friends and family, I felt so loved!! I could not believe how many people came! People from my old Church, my old work, friends I hadn't seen in years, families I used to baby-sit for, and families of preschool students I had taught. It was so much fun to see so many great people at one time.

You may recognize this adorable little thing...

And of course my family...

The great grandmas...
The pastor of my old Church (the Church I grew up in, the same one David & I were married in) surprised us and stopped by to drop off a gift, and lead us all in a prayer. He invited people to come lay hands on me, and he offered up a prayer for protection and blessing over my children and I...
I nearly broke down in tears. I was so touched.
There were so many people there, and everyone was so generous that we ended up filling both David's and my car to the brim! We got so many cute outfits, TONS of great books to read to our babies, lots of special homemade burp cloths and blankets, lots of diapers, so many fun hats and bibs and toys and diaper cream and headbands and binkies and stuffed animals and just sooooo much great stuff!

(Good thing my aunt was able to catch both my chins in that picture, it would have been a shame to leave one out)

And I have two things to say about this last picture. First, see the carseats in the background? My mom and stepdad generously bought those for us. They offered to take care of one of our "big ticket" purchases for us, and we chose carseats. It feels REALLY good to already own the one thing we need to bring them home from the hospital in.
Thanks mom and Chuck!
And second, yes this is the same dress -same exact outfit actually, down to the boots and the jewelry- that I wore to my Church shower. Judge me if you want, but I only own 4 maternity dresses, and this is the only one that has long sleeves.
And it's winter.
In the Pacific Northwest.
So it's been my dress of choice lately.
Just sayin'.

You may notice another thing that's the same as my last smile. I am so full of joy and so incredibly thankful to God for this gift in my life.
went to town preparing the food.
I would show you a picture, but hey I deleted it.
My mom's dinning room table was packed with delicious goodness. I couldn't even be bothered to open presents at first when it was time because I was too busy consuming my second (or fourth or fifth) plate.
Like I said, my mom and my sisters went ALL OUT for this thing!
Here is a picture of the 5 of us:
We missed Amanda very much, but I did get to talk to her on the phone for awhile the night before, which was fun. And I also got to hear this adorable little girl...
Could be a sign that I was having more fun than her. I am choosing to pretend that wasn't the case though.
My mom's living room quickly filled up with so many friends and family, I felt so loved!! I could not believe how many people came! People from my old Church, my old work, friends I hadn't seen in years, families I used to baby-sit for, and families of preschool students I had taught. It was so much fun to see so many great people at one time.
You may recognize this adorable little thing...
And of course my family...
The great grandmas...
The pastor of my old Church (the Church I grew up in, the same one David & I were married in) surprised us and stopped by to drop off a gift, and lead us all in a prayer. He invited people to come lay hands on me, and he offered up a prayer for protection and blessing over my children and I...
There were so many people there, and everyone was so generous that we ended up filling both David's and my car to the brim! We got so many cute outfits, TONS of great books to read to our babies, lots of special homemade burp cloths and blankets, lots of diapers, so many fun hats and bibs and toys and diaper cream and headbands and binkies and stuffed animals and just sooooo much great stuff!
And I have two things to say about this last picture. First, see the carseats in the background? My mom and stepdad generously bought those for us. They offered to take care of one of our "big ticket" purchases for us, and we chose carseats. It feels REALLY good to already own the one thing we need to bring them home from the hospital in.
Thanks mom and Chuck!
And second, yes this is the same dress -same exact outfit actually, down to the boots and the jewelry- that I wore to my Church shower. Judge me if you want, but I only own 4 maternity dresses, and this is the only one that has long sleeves.
And it's winter.
In the Pacific Northwest.
So it's been my dress of choice lately.
Just sayin'.
You may notice another thing that's the same as my last smile. I am so full of joy and so incredibly thankful to God for this gift in my life.