Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This and that...

We are going list-style here today folks, as really I just have random stuff to ramble about followed by a cute video of my babies..

- I had my 6 week post op appointment with my OB last week, and besides just a few small residual, lingering things, I am officially "recovered" from delivery and surgery. Well, physically I guess. It's pretty safe to assume I still have some emotional issues to process about how it all went down when I have to change the channel during a rerun of Scrubs because Carla is in labor and things start to go awry and I get so filled with anxiety I start to cry...

...but that is a post for another time.

- I gained 47 pounds while pregnant and learned on Tuesday that I only have 13 pounds left to lose before I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Yahoo! Naturally, to celebrate I grabbed a package of Reeses Peanut Butter cups at the pharmacy after my appointment. =) I can tell you where all 13 pounds are too...in my midsection. My stomach is suffering from deflated tire syndrome. And while it's not like I rocked the Gwen Stefani abs before I was pregnant, this is a whole new kind of pooch going on. I don't suppose attempting to work my abs would do any good either until I lose the extra weight...which honestly I am only so motivated to do! It's not like I have spare time galore these days, and my energy level is pretty much non-existent. Also I am hungry ALL. THE. TIME! Nursing requires a lot of calories and I consomme every needed calorie and then some I am sure. But, I only can fit into one pair of pre-pregnancy pants (and they were my fat pants) and even then I have a serious muffin top thing going on. I bought one pair of transitional pants to get me through the times I need to be out and about, because at home I just live in pj's, sweats, and yoga pants. I also have a new BFF in the empire waisted sundress...oh how I love thee! I do get discouraged when I log onto OldNavy.com and see the item of the week is bathing suits (ugh), but then I just remind myself that this body of mine carried twins -two babies- to 38 weeks, and that ended up being over 13 pounds of babies. And you don't bounce back from that quickly...or possibly ever. But that's ok, I would never, even in the most insecure of moments, trade my giant stretch marks or flab for my healthy, full term twins. Ever. What a gift to have been able to carry them for so long, and I am so honored the Lord allowed me to.

- Breastfeeding is going really well and I am so so so grateful for that. We really have come a long way! The two issues we are dealing with now are they have both suddenly decided they are too good to latch easily on my right side. Little snobs =) I have had to really help them there the last 2 days and they get SO frustrated in the process! Hopefully this will be a short lived problem. The other issue is my supply. I am so hopeful when we weigh them tomorrow at Luke's appointment they will have gained enough for us to not have to add any more supplement back in. Last weigh in Luke was just a little under what they wanted to see, so the lactation consultant recommended he get 2.5 ounces a day, and we could leave Abbey at 2, since her growth was adequate.

- I have figured out I can type one handed with the laptop on the arm of the couch while nursing, hence my ability to write this rambling post. It takes FOR.EVER. but at least I can do something besides watch TV, which gets old.

-In the wee hours this morning I seriously offered my son $1000 if he would please, please, puh-lease just settle in and go back to sleep. Lucas, having no concept of money and therefor no idea what a smokin' deal this was, declined my offer.

- I go back to work in exactly 4 weeks. I have mixed feelings about this. I also have no idea what we are going to do about childcare. Our hope is that David's teaching schedule will be mostly mornings, and I will work afternoon's, and we will only need a sitter a few hours a week when our two schedules overlap just a bit. I am not guaranteed our schedules will work out like this, and I don't know where we will find this person, but I am trusting the Lord to work it out for us...

- And lastly, here is a video of my sweet babies playing...


Lauren said...

I get SO thrilled when I see an update from you!!! They are few and far between but understandably so!!! And that video is precious!!! Makes me want to fly out to OR and give them a big squeeze!!! HA! :) Love you!

Mary said...

If you lived in Salem I could recommend a couple of wonderful sitters! But I know you'll be able to get this worked out :-)

Glad to hear an update, you've been in my thoughts and prayer alot lately!

Stephanie said...

Hey Kendra,

To be 13 lbs away from prepregnancy weight at 6 weeks postpartum is amazing. Your stomach will take another month or two (probably two) to shrink back - your muscles and uterus are still really stretched out. I was in maternity jeans with both of mine for - I don't know - a couple of months after birth. You still don't look "normal" yet, whatever the new normal will be for you. Seriously, after twins, you only gained 13 lbs? Wow.

Glad to hear you're doing well. Any luck with getting the babies to sleep more easily?

Heather said...

GIRL--Don't you worry about that weight--it will come off later!!! Right now just enjoy those babies and eat whatever you want!!! And you are right about the nursing....it makes you hungry!!! I didn't even THINK about exercising until my babies were 6 months....and even so my policy is still that if you are breastfeeding, it's kinda like being pregnant and you have to just take care of yourself and give yourself extra grace!!!! :)

I will pray for the work schedule...and let me just say I am SOOOOO impressed and proud of the wonderful Mommy you are!!! Seriously!

Love you!

Amanda said...

I'm glad lack of sleep and motherhood hasn't made you lose your sense of humor :) Cadence never took any smokin' deals I offered her either. Fortunately she has forgotten them so at least she hasn't tried to renigoiate now that's she older. 13 lbs away from your pre-pregnancy weight at only 6 weeks is incredible. I never gained a lot of weight since I delivered at only 26 weeks, but I actually weighed more a year later after her first heart surgery then I did when I gave birth. I sat on the couch, exhausted, pumping all day with no energy, constantly hungry and rationalizing that I was still "eating for two". Give yourself plenty of time and go buy another pair of "transitional pants".

Cadence loves watching the "Baby Abbey and Baby Abbey" video. I guess that's better than "Abbey and Elmo" like last week.

Hurray for cousins meeting in a week!!!

Lori said...

That video was so adorable!! They look so happy and healthy!! I will pray that everything will fall into place with your work schedule! I can imagine that would be a very difficult to get adjusted too. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, as always!!

Aunt Carol said...

Kendra, you looked wonderful at the dedication. Being the mother of twins will get you back into whatever shape you want soon enough. Enjoy this special time.

nbrown said...

I love morning play time. :)

Vanessa's Dad said...

What a precious video. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I am a lurker :) but I do totally feel for you with the belly issues. I had two 10 pounders 18 months apart, fun :) So the deflated tyre was my burden to bear for a while aswell.

But what I found really helped was those high waisted underpants with the control panel at the front. It hold everything firmly and looks better in pants. I found it also didn't aggravate the c-section scar like low riders did. Maybe that may help you feel better till everything goes back to normal for you.

chin up, you look great, and the babies daddy knows why its like that anyway. My DH told me once that he wouldn't trade any of my post baby imperfections cause he loves his kids and loves that I went through all that for him.


Faith said...

They are just precious! So glad y'all are doing well and getting the hang of everything. Love the update!

Emily said...

First, that video is absolutely precious! I love it!

Second, don't worry if you don't get to where your pre-pregnancy pants are ever comfortable again. I was down to my pre-pregnancy weight before getting pregnant again and fit all my tops and my dress pants just fine. But my jeans were never going to fit the same way so I treated myself to some new ones that were super flattering. (For the few weeks that I could wear them...bought them 1.5 weeks before finding out I was pregnant again!) The size was the same; however, I needed a different type of fit that my old pants just didn't offer. Not to say that you won't be able to wear yours, just that it's completely normal if your shape changes too! Especially since you carried twins!! :)