last year when they met for the first time?

Amanda and Cadence are in Oregon again, and on Sunday we got to spend some time together!
(clearly, it's still not easy to get a good picture of all of us looking at the camera!)We had such a fun afternoon and it was so, so great to get to see them again! Our other sisters
Vanessa and
Natalie were here as well...only missing
Emily who is busy working, but will join us for some fun this weekend!
Sunday was a beautiful day, so we loaded up on sunscreen and headed to a SplashPad.
Abbey took
right to it...

Auntie Natalie took one for the team and got soaked with the kids...

Cadence showing Abbey how it's done...

I just can't believe how much joy I feel when I get to see Cadence. She is a living, breathing, walking, talking
miracle. And every time I am in her presence I am stunned anew by God's goodness.
For those of you who are new(er) here, Cadence was born in August 2007 at 26 weeks weighing 1 lb, 11oz. She was in the NICU for months, and had multiple surgeries on her tiny little body. For months we waited and prayed. We watched as my sister and brother in law remained strong and faithful, and fought on behalf of their daughter. And now, today, we get to play with her, and talk with her, and hug her. She is a gift. Her story defies the odds. I often wonder why the Lord has us walk the paths He gives us, and I give thanks when I see my stretch marks.
Looking forward to some more family fun this weekend! It'll be the first time in
three years that all 5 of us sisters have been together!!