Friday, February 13, 2009


Who is five dollars richer today??

FACT: me.


Faith said...

Yep, I know that's right!!

The Writer Chic said...

This might be your best post ever. Clever, well played. And, of course, the fact that you were right. ;)

Lauren said...

Too funny, haha!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

HA HA!! I was thinking of you last night while we were watching. I even told my husband: "Kendra was right!" and he was like "who is Kendra?" :)

natalierochelle said...

i had to wait to read your blog until i was able to watch the episode online. congratulations sister! :)

beckylbranch said...

Yeah for you! I was surprised Holly wasn't in the episode either...and I am sad that was the last episode of the season!!!! Wahhhh!!! What are we going to do with Office to watch?

natalierochelle said...

um, excuse me? i had no idea that was the last episode of the season.

i feel like the season just started!

oh shoot, why did i give away that box of chocolates? now i'm depressed...

Vanessa's Dad said...

U R funny... :)

MiMi said...

Too funny! Poor Michael.

So what have you got planned for your $5.00?

Anonymous said...

You Won!!! Yeah, I am so excited that you won my fiurst giveaway! If you will email me your address I will get the books in the mail to you. My email adress is