Six. Months. Old.
How is that possible? Our babies are half a year old today. Wow.
These are from our morning photo shoot:

Hey, let's destroy this paper Momma put right in front of us...

Success! Paper destroyed! Teamwork. So proud of ourselves!
So what are you two up to at 6 months?
-Both started solids!
-Still in size 2 diaper
-Still in 3-6 month clothes, some 6 month clothes
-Going to bed around 6:45pm-7:15pm at night
- Still each getting up once a night to eat
-Both sitting "assisted" right now
-Manual dexterity impressing us more everyday! You both can pass things from one hand to another, and both reach for things and grab them.
-You two are laughing a lot!
My sweet, sweet babies...what a wild six months it's been. I probably say this every month, but it's strange how in the same breath I say that I can't believe it's been six months
already, yet I also don't remember what life was like without you.
This last month has been a fun one.
You two are giggling and full on belly laughing now, and it is absolutely Heavenly. I could listen to it all day long.
You both also are "talking" more, and in general becoming more experimental with your voices.
As you continue to master your manual dexterity, you can often be found with your fingers all over each others faces =). In fact, if we lay you in Luke's crib to watch the mobile after a nap, the first thing you two do when you look at one another is reach for the other's binky and steal it!
You guys aren't the best sleepers in the world, but we still love you =).
You guys are going down for bed at night without any trouble - which is a blessing!! You both get up at least once during the night to nurse, Abbey usually somewhere around 12:30-1:30am, and Luke...well it varies. Sometimes it's 1:00am, sometimes it's not until 4:00am...and the other day you slept
all the way until 5:30am!!! We thought we were finally on to something that night, but no such luck =). You both are early birds too, which I have no idea where you got that from, given your gene pool...your Daddy and I aren't really morning people! But we are learning =).
Naps are hit and miss, and it's getting ridiculous enough that there is talk in our house of instituting Napping BootCamp around here soon!
You both started solids this month, and it's just crazy to me to see you in your little eating chairs, opening your mouths for spoons...when did you get so big?
Lucas, my cuddly little boy, you have really been preferring your Momma lately! You like your Daddy just fine and the two of you have fun together, but you seem to be particularly attached to me right now. For instance, you won't let your Daddy feed you. At all. You burst into tears when he tries! And as soon as I take over, you stop crying. Even if I am standing right there next to him, you don't want to be fed by anyone but me. Silly boy! I tell Daddy not to let it hurt his feelings, because I know there will come a time as you grow up when you only want your Daddy. And I try and just soak up the fact that you want my attention and affection right now, because before I know it, you won't'll grow up and you'll want the attention of some other girl in your life.
You are a good little eater (for me!), and have tried Avocado (mashed with breast milk), green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, pears, prunes and apples. You are off rice cereal on the recommendation of your doctor because it was giving you tummy troubles. You have worked your way up to eating one cube of fruit at lunch time, and two cubes of veggies at dinner time. You still nurse when you wake up in the morning, after naps, before bed, and in the middle of the night. Lately we have had some rough nursing days, which have just broken my heart! We changed to medium flow nipples on the bottles you get while I am at work, and I think you have just gotten spoiled by how easy that is? I don't know... Also, you get so distracted now, and you seem to need things to be quiet so you can focus better. You don't really like it when I tandem nurse you and Sis at the same time, because it means you are positioned funny. Also, you have been teething and it's just made you a little more fussier all around = (. HOPEFULLY this is just a phase because I really love nursing you, and hope to continue to do so for at least another six months.
You have been rolling over from back to front and front to back with no problems, although you really just prefer to be on your back. You can sit up assisted, and you seem to like to be up like that- like a big boy!
Your smile lights up your eyes, and whatever room you are in.
As I mentioned you have been teething lately, and you LOVE to put everything in your mouth! You like chewing on teethers that we have kept in the fridge too.
You go down for bed at night and for naps really easily, which we appreciate =), but you are not much of a napper. 30-45 minutes and you are good to go! Every once in awhile you surprise us and will sleep for over an hour or so, but pretty much once you go down for a nap we can expect to hear from you in about a half hour. I would think this isn't long "enough", but you wake up SO happy! We hear you talking in the monitor and go in there and you kick your legs and swing your arms and grin from ear to ear! The only problem is you can only tolerate about 2+ hours of wakefulness before you need to go down for a nap again, so this means you are taking like 5 naps a day. We are working on it =).
At night you get up once to eat, and sometimes you will wake up again and just need some comfort then usually will settle back in and go back to sleep. In the morning you get up anywhere between 5:00am-6:30am...usually right about 5:30am. Ugh. Good thing you are cute. =).
You LOVE bath time! You recently discovered splashing and you think it is the funnest. thing. ever. You go CRAZY in your little tub! I am usually soaked after I bathe you!
One of the neatest things about you this month is that you have started to "show off" for us. It's so fun to will catch our eye, and give us a look that says "are you watching me?" and then you will preform in some way...either give us a full body shimmy, or pick your legs up and whack them down really hard and fast, or growl at us,...and then you give us an expectant look that says "did you see that?! What'd you think??" It's so cute!!
Speaking of growling, you have really found your "yell" in the last few days. I am not talking about crying here, I mean exclaiming!! You will even through your hands up in the air and just GROWL sometimes! I usually growl back at you, and then we both laugh.
We just discovered yesterday that you are ticklish on your inner thigh...more laughs.
You had a check up at your orthopedist last week to see how your feet are doing, and you got a great report. Praise the Lord! Dr. A said your feet are looking really good, and you are cleared to only wear your braces when you sleep at night. We had been leaving them on until about 10:00am each day in order to get the required hours in, but they are looking so good he said that we can just take them off when you wake up - hooray! Daddy and I think you miss wearing them during the day a bit though, as you sure loved to pick your feet up, hold them suspended in the air for a second, and then SLAM them down with force. That act earned you the nickname Bam-Bam.
You are still just a gorgeous little boy, and every where we take you we get compliments on how beautiful you are and what amazing eyelashes you have.
You still have the most tender heart and such a sensitive spirit, and Daddy and I just love you sweet boy.
Abbeygirl, my delightful little daughter, you have really found your voice this month! You have started to chatter, and we just adore it! I call it "Abble Babble". You just lay there and say "Ah ba ba ba ba ba" all day long, it's so precious. You love it when we talk back to you too. You will be hanging out, just babbling away, and then we will repeat back to you what you just said, and you grin from ear to ear and start talking again.
You also crack yourself up, it's so funny! You will be just chatting away to no one in particular, and then you will giggle a bit, as if what you just said was too funny.
You still seem like such a little Peanut compared to your brother, and I am curious to see what you guys weigh at your appointment on Wednesday. You are growing for sure, but you are very long and lean.
You LOVE to look outside. You could sit still and stare out the windows for hours, it just fascinates you. You love to explore things with your hands, and feel the need to touch every part of the face of whomever is holding you =).
You are a pretty good eater, although you seem to have really sensitive taste buds. You make the
funniest faces when you try a new food! And if you don't like what I am feeding you, stalemate. You just close your mouth and tighten your lips and stare at me as I try and put a spoon in. Not. gonna. happen.
Where on earth could you have gotten that stubborn streak from?)You have tried peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, pears, & apples. You LOVE pears. You have a cube of fruit at lunch and a bunch of rice cereal mixed with breast milk and about a cube of veggies at dinner.
You have been nursing great, even though you have gotten busier while you do it. You are often flailing your arm around wildly or grabbing your toes and moving your leg up and down while you nurse. One of my favorite things in the world is to catch your eye while you are nursing and smile at you, and have you give me a half smile back...melts me.
You are pretty independent, and don't mind playing by yourself for decent periods of time. One of your favorite things to do is lay alone in your crib and watch your little aquarium Aunite Nessa got you.
Your two favorite things are standing and your feet. You LOVE to stand, and you are really good at it! Tonight Daddy just held on to your hands and you stood for minutes. You loved it. You also are obsessed with your feet. It's made diaper changes a little challenging =). Daddy and I have a running joke, because you will often be laying there and just stick a foot out at us, toes pointed like a ballerina or something, and just leave it there, staring at us, as if to say "um, have you seen my foot? It's great, isn't it?"
You go to bed at night and down for naps pretty well, thank you! =) You are a pretty good napper too. You sleep anywhere from 45mins to an hour and a half. You are the same as your brother, about two hours of awake time and you are ready to go down for a nap. Although this does seem to be stretching longer these days before you show us tired signs. At night you usually get up to eat anywhere between 12:30-1:30am, and sometimes you go back down without any problems, sometimes you are wide awake and think it's play time. Those nights it takes Daddy and I each a few trips into your room to give you your binky back and pat your back to help you settle in. Also, you will sometimes cry out in the middle of the night because you have flipped over and can't seem to get yourself flipped back. You are a tummy sleeper, and we will hear you and go in and find you laying on your back, looking like a turtle stuck on it's back...arms and legs just flailing about helplessly. Usually we just flip you back over and you settle back in. We hope that this little "trick" will phase out as you get more and more comfortable rolling back and forth, and are able to pull your arm out from under you (sometimes it gets stuck!). You usually wake up anywhere between 5:30-7:00am. Once you slept until 7:30am.
You are showing some signs of teething, but nothing too serious. You have the most adorable gummy smile I have ever seen! Your whole face smiles when your mouth does Babygirl, and it's contagious.
You LOVE the exersaucer. Love it. You go nuts in there! You bounce up and down and throw yourself back as you're a wild woman in that thing!
When you get your feelings hurt, like if I walk into the room around when you are ready to nurse and we meet eyes and smile at each other, and then I walk passed you to get something real quick, or when someone scares you or something, it is the saddest thing on the planet. It just rips my heart out to see yours get broken. Your pretty little face just crumbles into wrinkles and tears, and that little cry is just so sad!
You are such a sweet little girl, so petite and soft and just precious. Your Daddy and I just love you sweet girl.
Happy six months, sweet how you've grown...

You are
SO loved.