We had such a fun day today.
Well, it started wayyy too early (5:09am thankyouverymuch) which was not so fun. Twice this week
both babies slept past 7:00am (7:45 on Wednesday and 7:15 on Friday), so Dave and I got greedy and stayed up far past our bedtime last night desperately hoping the past-seven trend would continue.
We were all four a little fussy by morning nap time.
The twins went down shortly after 9, and slept until 11am. That is longer than average. We played and then had lunch, and then were stuck with the reality that there was no way they were going back down at 2pm as they normally would. What's a family to do?
Pack up and head to a new park with a splashpad.

Luke and Abbey were apprehensive at first, wanting to stay very close to us...
(that is not a flattering picture of me by any means...showcasing my giant thigh, hair a mess, pale legs on display, child pulling down my shirt...but it's such an accurate depiction of my life right now that I forced myself to include it in the name of memories)But very soon they were comfortable exploring a bit...

At times even wandering off to make new friends...

Once in awhile, they'd stop by to say "hi" to Mom and Dad...

But for the most part, they ran around and enjoyed the freedom...

If things got boring, they took a different perspective...

We played and played well passed 2pm, and then made a decision that could very well come back to bite us
hard tomorrow morning. We decided to just ditch the afternoon nap all together and keep on playing. We left the water area and let Luke and Abbey lead us on a walk where ever they wanted to go. We stopped and picked at the grass, said hi to dogs being walked, felt several different types of leaves, and explored every inch of the park.
Dave and I had a great time watching our babies be little
people. I am quite sure Luke's Love Language is freedom (and Macaroni and Cheese). That boy is never happier than when he's given an open road and the chance to lead where ever his heart desires. He just GOES. And he's always so heartbroken when it's time to turn around, even when it means he can still lead and there is still a lot of free walking to be had, he likes that less because it's where we just came from and he's already conquered that area.
Abigail on the other hand is a doddler. She doddles along, happily talking to herself, or sometimes giggling to only she and God knows what. She'll stop mid step to sit down to play with a rock. At one point we were walking across a bridge, and she just decided crawling would be more fun. She got down on all fours, crawled along the wood, and laughed to herself the entire time.
Around 3:30pm we were pretty much done at the park, but there was no turning back from our ditch-the-afternoon-nap plan, and neither of us loved the idea of heading back to the house to contend with two overtired toddlers.
So, again, what's a family to do?
Go get ice cream.

It was Abbey and Luke's first time trying ice cream, and they LOVED it, which is good because I'm pretty sure it's
my Love Language so we usually have some in the freezer.
After we killed enough time there, we headed home. Played for a bit, ate an early dinner, had an early bath, and our kids were asleep in our arms before they even finished their bedtime milk. We laid them in their cribs at 5:48pm.
Please join us in praying that we've passed the
"sleep begets sleep" phase in infancy and Luke and Abbey will sleep long and hard until after the clock says
at least 6:00am tomorrow.