Thursday, April 23, 2015

Easter 2015

I know it was awhile back, but I want to document our Easter =)
Our Church has an "Epic Easter Egg Hunt" every year, and the name is not's Epic!!
I work Saturdays, so David took the kids to the hunt solo, and took some pictures for me too...he's a keeper =)
When you live in Oregon - or really anywhere in the Pacific NW- you get used to doing you Easter Egg Hunts in the rain...

Abbey and Luke both had a blast, and were SO excited to show me their goodies when I got home from work!

The kids made these adorable "hatching" chicks at Preschool...I love all the crafts they come home with!

Easter Sunday, the kids woke up to a jelly bean trail, just like I always did when I was growing up. Long live the Jelly Bean Trail!!!

Luke winding around the corner, following the trail to his basket...

Abbey following her trail...

We keep Easter baskets pretty simple around here. Both because that's not what we want to focus on for Easter (all though they sure are fun!) and also because the twins' birthday is always right before, and so we are inundated with new toys and such.
Each kiddo got some candy, a chocolate bunny, a new lovie/stuffed animal, and a small toy.
Luke got a brown wiener dog, which he quickly named "Chocolate Hundley" after Hundley on Curious George =)

Abigail got a white and pink unicorn, to which she offered up the original moniker of "Uni" =)

After jelly bean trails and Easter baskets, it was time to get ready for Church.
Don't they look so cute?!?
(Abbey is going through a long-sleeved shirt ONLY phase. It's rarely worth fighting her over =) )
Silly Faces.
(sorry Aunt Kay! ;) )

Once we arrived at Church I immediately had another Momma take our picture. I knew wearing white pants was pushing my luck with a pair of five year olds...

The kids put on a short performance that morning, it was precious. 
Both kids take their singing performances VERY seriously, it's adorable =).
And I was the momma in the front row waving hysterically and taking pictures.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Birthday Party fun

The day after Abbey and Luke's actual birthday, we had their party. We again were very blessed to be able to use our Church we did for birthdays one, two, three and four
Blessed I tell you!!
The same sign we made before their first birthday...=)
I had asked the kids awhile back what kind of "theme" they wanted for their birthday party, and Luke said "Star Wars" at the same time that Abbey said "How to Train Your Dragon"
It was either force them to agree on a neutral theme, or wing it with no real theme but some fun things for each in that general direction.
The latter won out =)

We set out all the toys and play equipment that our Church uses for the Indoor Play Park it hosts each week.
When we were setting up the night before, I actually worried there might not be enough to entertain that many 4-5 year olds??
Well, clearly I forgot how easily this age is to entertain ;).
Everyone rode scooters and cars, and bowled, and jumped in the ball pit, and climbed in the castle, and played basketball, and with the doll house, and colored, and just ran around together!

We've been to a few birthday parties that have had a piñata, and Luke and Abbey go crazy for it.
I was less crazy about the idea of giving a bunch of children a BAT and telling them to swing.
But they were just so excited about the idea of it that I caved.
And everyone lived to tell about it.

Eventually, after every kiddo had a few whacks at it, it became clear we needed the Big Guns to attack it...

Then it was time for cake! 

We sang to Abigail first...

Then we sang to Luke...

 A stairwell full of cuties!

We brought the presents home to open them (so much less chaos than trying to do it at the party)...

(can you see that pile of tissue paper, bags and wrapping paper in the hallway? It was like ToysRus threw up in our house. Our kids were so blessed with so many fun new things!)
It was a super fun morning, and I was so pleased we were able to really celebrate! The gym was packed with so many friends and family, and I know Luke and Abbey felt so loved.
Another successful birthday party on the books!
Oh, and I'll leave you with a close up of the cakes David and I decorated...(and by "David and I", I mean David ;) )
 (I guess we didn't get a very detailed shot of Abs' cake. It had a "mountain" on it, with trees and dragons...just like Berk =) )
(David used a fruit roll-up to make a landing spot for Luke's action creative!)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Birthday Day

 David hung streamers from the hallway ceiling and had balloons all over the floor for them to run through when they woke up, and we had their presents front and center...
Abbey begged and begged for this little stuffed puppy. She'd seen it at the store a few days prior, and then would remind us each day - multiple times a day - how much she really wanted that puppy. Needless to say, she was one happy girl when she opened it!!
Sweet girl has such a deep loves for all animals...even stuffed ones =)

We recently watched "Brave" and both the kids loved it. Now they want to watch it all the time!
Abbey requested a bow & arrow, just like Merida, for her birthday. We learned she's a pretty good shot!

Luke is as well!
Luke requested Darth Vader's red light saber for his birthday...
We also got the kids each a new "Look & Find" book. They are really into those these days!

We had our annual Sprinkle Birthday Pancakes, and sang to each 5 year old...


My creative husband made a bulls eye on the front door window with dry erase fun!

Then we got ready and headed to meet some sweet family friends at the Zoo!

(yes. my sweet cherub Luke is sticking his tongue out)

My boys...

We could watch the otters swim and play forever...I find it so soothing =)

Our silly little lioness...

Abs peeking through at some insects...

Abbey and Luke with our sweet friends Steve and Lisa. We are so blessed to have them in our lives!

Another family shot...Luke doesn't have his tongue out, it's a Birthday Miracle!!

I love my people...

The zoo had a carousel on the grounds for 3 days only, and we happened to be there that day, so of course we had to ride it!
Lucas checking himself out in the mirror...

It's a little blurry, but I love the joy on Abbey's face here...

Our little goofballs...

We had so much fun just walking around together. Having a zoo pass the last two years has been such a gift! It's nice to be able to go whenever we want, for as long or short as we want.
The kids were being silly with Dave on our way out, and I snapped a few shots...

They sure love their Daddy =)
And now, they're FIVE.