Monday, March 15, 2010

Dr's appt and more email woes...

We had our weekly doctor's appt today, and all is well. My BP was elevated again, and higher than before, but apparently not "alarming" yet. My urine testing fine so they are not worried about pre-eclampsia.

I did have to admit that since my BP was back down last week, I eased up a lot on "resting". Nothing serious but I got out of the house a few times and didn't really pay as much attention to staying off my feet as I probably should have.

My doctor was over at the hospital (delivering twins!) so we saw a different one, but he was really nice and reassuring. He did a quick ultrasound just to check the babies' positioning, heartbeats, and fluid levels... all looked great! Thank you Lord!

He said that the odds of one of the babies "flipping" positions at this point is slim, since they are so out of room. That's great news as far as avoiding a c-section.

So now we just hang around and wait. I have a follow up appointment with him next Monday (my doctor is on vacation) and we will see how things are then. He said he will check to see if I am dilated then too.

Crazy to think we are in the home stretch now! We are past our goal of 36 weeks, and I am so much more relaxed about them coming now...getting really excited to meet these sweet babes.

So remember how I mentioned that Comcast deleted our email account when we moved? Well they restored it for an "unknown" amount of time, and it appears that time has run out. I am no longer able to access that account. However, blogger still won't let me default our new Gmail account as the log in for this blog. Why? I don't know. Just to annoy me and raise my BP I am sure. But I was able to change it on my profile under "contact", so hopefully I won't miss anything. If you emailed me recently to the Comcast address, I am sorry...I can't get to it anymore! Please re-send anything to our new address: dklahoffman AT gmail DOT com.

Thanks and sorry!

Happy Monday all =)


Vanessa's Dad said...

Great news for baby watchers. Sounds like things are going just great.


Lori said...

I am so glad for a great appointment! Girl, you ARE on the home stretch. I cannot believe that you have came this far without the babies coming. That's wonderful.

Heather said...

I am SO excited, impressed, and thankful that you have made it almost to the end. I remember this point in both of my pregnancies....and there was "no more room in the inn" so to speak...and I only had ONE in there!!! So hang in there are AWESOME!!!
P.S. Know what I am thinking about?!?! When Rachel is late and she yells at her baby belly..."GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!!!!!" ha!!! When you are in labor, you need to think about her labor...and all those funny moments. :)

Emily said...

Not to be annoying, but did you try creating another Gmail account while logged into blogger with your Comcast account? I'm fairly positive that's what I did to accidentally link my Blogger account to a Gmail account. It's lame in that you can't connect it to the Gmail account you've already created, but it should solve the problem of loosing access to emails, etc. for the account. Now when I log in to blogger, the only place I can see my Yahoo email account is where it's set up to email me regarding comments.

You could also invite yourself to contribute to the blog as an admin with your current Gmail account. Our blog is set up that way since Coco (our pug) was the initial blogger in the family and then I wanted to have an account for my own posts.

Sara said...

I haven't visited your blog in a while - congrats on "heads down"!! That is awesome! And you are looking great, mama! I am so excited for you that you have made it to 36 weeks and counting. :)