Thursday, August 19, 2010

One year ago today...

...our life changed forever.

I will never forget August 19th, 2009 as long as I live.

I will always remember sitting in the waiting room at the doctors office, my note card with Isaiah 41:13 written on it in my hand. I kept glancing at it and reciting it over and over again.

I will always remember walking into the exam room, and staring at the ultrasound machine next to the exam table I was about to climb up on...wondering what that screen would show us that day.

I will always remember the doctor coming in with a huge smile on his face and offering his genuine congratulations, before he had even done the ultrasound. I will always remember being grateful that he was so positive and hopeful for us.

I will always remember when the screen came to life, briefly -as in just a flash before he moved the wand- seeing two black, empty circles. I will always remember not panicking at that moment, and feeling God say "Wait", and feeling a rush of peace wash over me, even though everything logical told me what I was sure I had just seen meant this ultrasound was telling us that this pregnancy was just like our first one.

I will always remember laying there as he adjusted the wand and focused the picture, and all of a sudden a little bean with a flickering heart appeared in view.

"This is what a baby looks like..." the doctor said.

I will always remember the way my cheeks felt as the tears slipped down them. The way David squeezed my hand. The way my heart swelled with pride. A heartbeat.

I will always remember the way the doctor moved things again, and suddenly the image doubled. There was then two little beans, with two beautiful, flickering heartbeats.

"...and this is what TWO babies looks like..."

I will always remember the wonderful mix of emotions that washed over me. Excitement. Disbelief. Gratitude. Nervousness. Fear. Assurance.



I will always remember how I just started laughing. The doctor asked me, with a strange look on his face, "are you ok?".

I will always remember how I answered, "Isn't that just like my God?" We were going to have two babies.

And today, one year later, we do. Two healthy, happy, beautiful little miracles.

Thanks be to God.


Kristen and Andy said...

What a special day in your lives - such an awesome memory that you will cherish forever! Thanks for sharing :)

Alexis said...

Beautiful, Kendra. So sweet.

Amanda said...


Vanessa's Dad said...

I am undone.
Always remember. Never forget.
Thanks for sharing. You have such a way of recognizing significant emotions, and expressing them.


The Writer Chic said...

I needed this post. I've been thinking alot about Duncan, and the significance of the 19th in our lives. Isn't it just like our God to redeem even something as minor as a number? =)

Love you, friend. I smiled last night, filling out my new day planner, to write "Hoffman Twins Turn ONE!" in the March box. How great is our God.

Lauren said...

This made my heart so happy today!!!!! God is so good!!!

Aunt Carol said...

Thanks, indeed.

And thanks to you for sharing with the rest of us your emotions and thoughts through this continuing miracle of life.

Love, Aunt Carol

Heather said...


Keri said...

Beautiful, beautiful....