Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sick of being sick

I feel like all I ever write about lately is how sick we all are.
But to be fair, I write about my life, and that's pretty much all that we have going on lately.

I feel like one of us has been sick for as long as I can remember.

Wednesday night Luke got sick, Thursday morning Abbey got sick.

I had to go to work Thursday afternoon, because even though I work for DOCTORS, they are pretty intolerant of too many sick calls, and I called out the week prior when Luke had strep.
David stayed home with both the babies, and luckily as Abbey got sicker, Luke seemed to get better.

Thursday after work I started feeling sick. Later that night I spent 30 minutes on the phone with the advice nurse to see if you can take Imodium AD when you are nursing (you can), went to bed at 8:30pm, only to wake up at 10:45pm with a fever and to throw up. Abbey woke up shortly after and puked as well. She and I spent the night on the couch, feverish and vomiting.

I called in sick to work on Friday, because I simply had no other choice. I was done throwing up Friday morning, but dehydrated. My bones and joints ached. And my daughter was sick.

A friend brought me some Gatorade and 7Up.

Our doctors nurse called to check on us because that made for 3 times in the last 48 hours where I had called the after hours advice line. I nearly cried talking to her "...what is going on? Why are we getting sick so much??" GI bug. We keep passing it back and forth. Hydrate. Rest (HA!). Wash hands.
I explained to her that I have Clorox bleached wiped our ENTIRE house. I have taken to boiling the twins' binkies twice a day. I have done more laundry in the last 3 days than I have the entire month of November. Same with running the dishwasher.
We are hand washers.

By Friday night, Luke was back to his happy self. Thank God. Abbey on the other hand spiked a 103 fever and broke out in a rash. Luckily she was keeping fluids down at that time so we were able to give her some Tylenol. After that and a cool bath, her fever went down and she nursed and went to bed.

I took the hottest bath our water heater would allow in an attempt to soothe my aching, dehydrated bones, and actually fell asleep in the tub.

I crashed in bed by 8:30pm, and slept until 11:30pm when Abbey woke up. She nursed, had a wet diaper (yea for hydration), puked, and went right back to sleep.

A little before 1am, I awoke to the dreaded sound of David throwing up.

In the 6 1/2 years we have been married, I have never seen him get as sick as he did last night. All night long, every 20-30 minutes. I almost called someone to take him to the ER.

The babies both woke at 4:45am, I brought them into the bedroom with me (David was out on the couch), and nursed them both. Abbey crashed and I just left her in our bed. I took Luke back to the nursery and spent 20 minutes rocking him back to sleep.

So far this morning both the babies are nursing well and keeping that down, and have had some breakfast and kept that down. I am keeping toast down. David has been quarantined to the bedroom for the day. Every light switch, door handle, and surface of our house has been sanitized.

If I were Catholic, I would have a priest over to sprinkle us with Holy Water.

I am SO over this.


Stephanie said...

How utterly miserable.

We once had a stomach virus in our house for a week, but honestly it was not nearly as bad as what you're describing. Even so, I STILL break out in a cold sweat if anybody complains of a stomach ache. It's so so miserable to have to take care of children while you're nauseated yourself (somehow nauseous is just worse than any other kind of sickness - for me, anyway).

As you're saying this, I would be paying attention to the kids' temperaments. Silas had reflux triggered by our week-long stomach virus at about 7 months. My friend's baby girl had the exact same thing happen about 11 months. If they continue to throw up after everyone else is better, or if they get fussy/ harder to sleep than usual, you might want to mention it to your pediatrician, just in case.

A little unsolicited advice, I know. =)

Hope all is WELL in your house very soon.

Katie Hale said...

Kendra, I have been following your blog for awhile now and have never commented before but I just wanted you to know I am praying for you guys!! It just sounds awful. I am wishing for a speedy recovery for all of you and for that dreaded bug to finally leave your house for good! Much love from Texas.

Lana said...

Oh, Kendra! I can only imagine what you are going through right now. It's hard when the kiddos are sick, but I HATE it when my DH is sick. He is not supposed to get sick. He is tough, my helper, etc. Praying that you all get all of this over with before the holidays officially begin. :) Lana

Lana said...

Oh, Kendra! I can only imagine what you are dealing wtih. I know you hate when the kiddos are sick. However, when my DH gets sick it is awful. He is not supposed to get sick. Praying that you all get all of this over with before the holidays officially begin. :) Lana

Vanessa's Dad said...

Only thing worse than one thing after another is everything all at once.

If it's true that "whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" then ya'll are gonna be SuperHeroes pretty soon.

Praying for health and rest for you.


Lauren said...

You poor, poor woman! I hope an pray that you feel better soon. What a nightmare! Oh man.

Aunt Carol said...

Maybe you can borrow some Holy Water from a friend. Nothing ventured and all that. Hope things improve soon.

Love, Aunt Carol

Julia said...

So sorry, chica! That sounds utterly miserable. Praying that your house recovers quickly.

Lori said...

Oh Kendra, I am so sorry. You have been through a lot in the past few weeks. I pray that you are at the end of this horrible bug. I cannot imagine!!