Well I know I say this every month, but I can't believe another one has flown by...our babies are eight months old!
This post is a few days late...as we came home from our trip on Saturday and have been busy unpacking, doing laundry, and just jumping back into the swing of things here or the last few days.
Such is life.
So, Luke and Abbey, what are you up to these days?
So, Luke and Abbey, what are you up to these days?
It's been a busy month for you two! You've experienced your first Halloween and your first Thanksgiving, which were both SO fun! And you've also had your first round (and second for you, Luke) with the stomach flu =(. THAT was not so fun.
You are both sitting up like pro's now, and can bend all the way forward (we're talking nose to the ground here) and then pull yourself right back up with ease. What I wouldn't give for ab muscles like that! HA!
You are both eating finger foods like Mum-Mum's, puffs, and yogurt melts, and we are starting to experiment with things like macaroni & cheese, and pancake pieces, as well as just giving you little bites of things we are eating. Your pincher grasps are getting better each day! You two are SO curious about anything we eat, you stare intently as we bring anything to our mouths!
You two still aren't into sippy cups, despite my purchase of different kinds. You just kind of stare at me when I put them in your mouths, and then gnaw on the spouts. We'll get there...
You two have had some major sleep regression in the last month. You've never been what we would call stellar sleepers (but we love you anyway!) but being sick and then traveling really threw off what little groove we had. So, we are working on helping you guys sleep a little better, since getting up every 45 min -1 hour isn't working for ANY of us =).
You guys are heading to bed around 6:45pm-7:15pm each night, and starting your morning between 5:30am-6:30am.
You are eating 3 "meals" a day of solids, and nursing on average 7-8 times a day, plus at least once each at night.
You are both babbling a lot now! We LOVE to hear it!! You both have mastered "mamammamamma" and "daddddaada" even if they aren't yet associated with Momma and Daddy =).
You are having so much fun with your toys lately. It's AMAZING to watch your little minds work. You figure out quickly all that each toy can do, and it impresses me daily as you show off your dexterity in passing toys back and forth between hands, and as you bang toys together.
You both are in a size 3 diaper, and Luke you are growing out of your 9 month clothes, while Abbey you are just starting to wear your 9 month clothes!!
And individually...
Abbeygirl, you have started to have MAJOR separation anxiety this month. Well, the last two weeks really. You need your eyes on me at all times, and sometimes even that is not enough, you need to be held so desperately sometimes that you will literally try and climb up me! It's hard to see you so anxious and afraid, but so far I have remained pretty patient and calm about it, because I can see on your face that you are genuinely scared, and I love that I can comfort you sweet girl. It may mean I don't get many "breaks", but it makes me feel good that my embrace can calm you down. It makes me feel like your momma. And even though I get plenty of comments about "spoiling" you or "rewarding bad behaviour", I am believing that this is just a phase that will pass. One of my books says to remember that for babies dealing with separation anxiety "gone for now means gone forever" until you learn that I will come back into view. So, we will just continue to be in close contact to one another until this passes =). Someday, you won't want to sit on my lap anymore, and I will miss these days =).
Your bottom two teeth are all the way poked through now, giving you the cutest little toothy grin ever. You also have been giving us lots of giggles lately, and your Daddy and I can't get over how dainty your laugh is! Even when you "belly laugh" it's the most petite little noise! Adorable.
Your hair is still very fine, but getting longer on the top. It's still very blonde. Your eyes are turning a beautiful shade of blue, and your eyelashes are filling in nicely.
You are still a little Peanut!! When I took you to the doctors last week we saw a different doctor than your usual ped and she made a comment about how tiny you were and suggested a weight check in a week. I asked her to review your chart to check your growth, and sure enough you are growing, and even staying on your growth curve (thank God!), you are just a little on the small side. It's hard for me not to worry about your growth sometimes, but I am trying to just feed you as I normally would and trust the Lord. You have just started wearing your 9month clothes, and truth be told you can still fit into plenty of 6 month outfits and even some 3-6, although those are tight.
Lately you have been great about trying new foods and are willing to eat almost anything...when you are willing to eat, that is =). You still give us a stalemate every once in awhile! And when you are done eating, you simply close your mouth and will not open it for anything. Nothing. Your Daddy even was commenting the other day that you have perfected the closed-mouth-smile for those times! Too funny!!
You are still on a bottle strike, which makes it a little difficult for Daddy or your grandparents or your Auntie Natalie on the 3 afternoons I work, but you have given a little lately, and even took an ounce or two from your bottle for your Daddy today...progress! =)
You love to be read to, and will sit still for books for the longest time. Your favorite books are "Dear Zoo" and "Big, Little". I can't wait until you are a little older and we can start reading other books...you have SUCH a collection to grow into!
You still love to play with your feet and bring your toes to your mouth. You also love to clasp your hands together and hold them that way for a bit.
You play contently in one spot for a long time, just picking up toys around you scooting around a bit to grab different ones. You love to observe what is going on around you, and will watch your brother play. You've been finding him hilarious lately, which makes me smile. You will crack up at something he does, which makes him crack up in return and make my heart sore.
You often rock back and forth while you are sitting...kind of like you are grooving to music, it's so cute!
You have been LOVING the Johnny Jump Up lately, and will bounce up and down for sooo long! It's really fun to watch you play in there!
While we were dealing with sickness and travel, I got in the habit of bringing you into bed with me or Daddy bringing you out on the couch. It just melts my heart the way you would reach out and touch my face, snuggle into me, and then drift off to sleep...many times I just laid there and took you in...my precious, long awaited daughter...
Lukey, you have become a BUSY BOY this month!! You have started going from sitting to laying on your tummy in two seconds flat, and you are sooooo ready to be crawling! You get SO.MAD. that you can't move fast and far just yet. When we were at GrandDad and Grannie Annie's last week you would literally grab onto the carpet in front of you to try and pull yourself along. You seem so frustrated and I want to help you! Daddy "assisted" you yesterday by bending your knees for you and showing you how to crawl...maybe that will take =). I lay a blanket on the floor for you guys each day, and it's becoming more and more pointless! You are on your belly and rolling all over the living room within minutes of being put down. You made your way to the hardwoods yesterday and seemed to love that you could slide around in a 360 with much more ease.
You still love to be held and to cuddle, but when we are holding you and standing still, you are busy looking around and lunging to get down! You so want to explore!! But you still are plenty affectionate, and for that I am grateful =). You have started giving us open mouth kisses, and they just may be my favorite thing ever. You lean forward with that sloppy wet mouth wide open and wait for us to meet your lips. Precious. You give more and more kisses every day!
You are finally starting to stand more. Not yet unassisted, but standing really firmly assisted. You didn't have that reflex for months, and we have been waiting for it to appear. It concerned me in the beginning, but both your orthopedist and your ped said that 30% of babies just don't have that reflex! But now, you are love to stand and your sturdy legs lock solid on any hard surface.
You are still SUCH a smiley boy, and we can't get enough of your grins! And you have really been belly laughing a lot lately, which makes us laugh, which makes you laugh...and on and on =). It's so fun. You love playing games like Peek-a-Boo and you will just laugh in anticipation before we even pop up!
You are becoming a bit of a pickier eater lately. If you don't like something, you try and grab it back out of your mouth and put it on your tray. Seeing as how most your food is mush, this is quite messy. You almost always look like a piece of abstract art when you are done with a meal. And you HATE to have your face cleaned off. But you sure do love finger foods. You get so excited you start to shake when we bring out the puffs, and we pour a few on your tray and you DIVE for them!
Your favorite toy lately is a blue bath toy. You will sit and wait in your bath seat -ignoring all other toys- until Daddy drops it in the tub, and then you lunge for it. We usually let you bring it into the bedroom after bath time while we put your jammies on, one because you have a death grip on it, and two because then it keeps your hands busy and then you don't feel the need to try and grab everything else around the changing pad =).
You are very attached to your lovie, which is a blue bear/tiny blanket that you get at naptime and bedtime. You LOVE this thing and when we lay you in your crib you immediately turn to the side and reach your hands up by your face for us to put the lovie in. A few times in the early morning I have let you bring it out to the living room to cuddle on the couch, and it never leaves your tight grip =).
Your hair is getting so much lighter, and would almost be considered blonde at this point. Your eyes are still a gorgeous blue, and yes - you still have eyelashes for days. I can't take you anywhere without someone commenting on what amazing lashes you have!
You still love to reach up and touch my face or play with my hair when I am nursing you or when you are laying next to me or in my lap, and I just love it. We stare into each others eyes and just smile at one another, and I feel more like the luckiest Momma on the face of this Earth....
We love you so much Lucas and Abigail, and we simply could not imagine the last 8 months without you in our lives. It has not been easy, and your Daddy and I are far from perfect, but we would do it all again - ALL of it- in a heartbeat. You two are worth every moment. Being your parents is the best gift we could ever ask for.
And here are our attempts at 8 month pics:

(had to start putting the sign above their heads as of last month...)

(...because if I put it anywhere near them, this happens...)

Aren't they just precious!? Sometimes I think if I had a spoon big enough, I could eat them up.
Oh- and would you believe that Abbey's shirt is actually the very first dress she ever wore?
Check it out...
Ahhh... my tiny, precious newbowns...man time sure has flown...
You are both sitting up like pro's now, and can bend all the way forward (we're talking nose to the ground here) and then pull yourself right back up with ease. What I wouldn't give for ab muscles like that! HA!
You are both eating finger foods like Mum-Mum's, puffs, and yogurt melts, and we are starting to experiment with things like macaroni & cheese, and pancake pieces, as well as just giving you little bites of things we are eating. Your pincher grasps are getting better each day! You two are SO curious about anything we eat, you stare intently as we bring anything to our mouths!
You two still aren't into sippy cups, despite my purchase of different kinds. You just kind of stare at me when I put them in your mouths, and then gnaw on the spouts. We'll get there...
You two have had some major sleep regression in the last month. You've never been what we would call stellar sleepers (but we love you anyway!) but being sick and then traveling really threw off what little groove we had. So, we are working on helping you guys sleep a little better, since getting up every 45 min -1 hour isn't working for ANY of us =).
You guys are heading to bed around 6:45pm-7:15pm each night, and starting your morning between 5:30am-6:30am.
You are eating 3 "meals" a day of solids, and nursing on average 7-8 times a day, plus at least once each at night.
You are both babbling a lot now! We LOVE to hear it!! You both have mastered "mamammamamma" and "daddddaada" even if they aren't yet associated with Momma and Daddy =).
You are having so much fun with your toys lately. It's AMAZING to watch your little minds work. You figure out quickly all that each toy can do, and it impresses me daily as you show off your dexterity in passing toys back and forth between hands, and as you bang toys together.
You both are in a size 3 diaper, and Luke you are growing out of your 9 month clothes, while Abbey you are just starting to wear your 9 month clothes!!
And individually...
Abbeygirl, you have started to have MAJOR separation anxiety this month. Well, the last two weeks really. You need your eyes on me at all times, and sometimes even that is not enough, you need to be held so desperately sometimes that you will literally try and climb up me! It's hard to see you so anxious and afraid, but so far I have remained pretty patient and calm about it, because I can see on your face that you are genuinely scared, and I love that I can comfort you sweet girl. It may mean I don't get many "breaks", but it makes me feel good that my embrace can calm you down. It makes me feel like your momma. And even though I get plenty of comments about "spoiling" you or "rewarding bad behaviour", I am believing that this is just a phase that will pass. One of my books says to remember that for babies dealing with separation anxiety "gone for now means gone forever" until you learn that I will come back into view. So, we will just continue to be in close contact to one another until this passes =). Someday, you won't want to sit on my lap anymore, and I will miss these days =).
Your bottom two teeth are all the way poked through now, giving you the cutest little toothy grin ever. You also have been giving us lots of giggles lately, and your Daddy and I can't get over how dainty your laugh is! Even when you "belly laugh" it's the most petite little noise! Adorable.
Your hair is still very fine, but getting longer on the top. It's still very blonde. Your eyes are turning a beautiful shade of blue, and your eyelashes are filling in nicely.
You are still a little Peanut!! When I took you to the doctors last week we saw a different doctor than your usual ped and she made a comment about how tiny you were and suggested a weight check in a week. I asked her to review your chart to check your growth, and sure enough you are growing, and even staying on your growth curve (thank God!), you are just a little on the small side. It's hard for me not to worry about your growth sometimes, but I am trying to just feed you as I normally would and trust the Lord. You have just started wearing your 9month clothes, and truth be told you can still fit into plenty of 6 month outfits and even some 3-6, although those are tight.
Lately you have been great about trying new foods and are willing to eat almost anything...when you are willing to eat, that is =). You still give us a stalemate every once in awhile! And when you are done eating, you simply close your mouth and will not open it for anything. Nothing. Your Daddy even was commenting the other day that you have perfected the closed-mouth-smile for those times! Too funny!!
You are still on a bottle strike, which makes it a little difficult for Daddy or your grandparents or your Auntie Natalie on the 3 afternoons I work, but you have given a little lately, and even took an ounce or two from your bottle for your Daddy today...progress! =)
You love to be read to, and will sit still for books for the longest time. Your favorite books are "Dear Zoo" and "Big, Little". I can't wait until you are a little older and we can start reading other books...you have SUCH a collection to grow into!
You still love to play with your feet and bring your toes to your mouth. You also love to clasp your hands together and hold them that way for a bit.
You play contently in one spot for a long time, just picking up toys around you scooting around a bit to grab different ones. You love to observe what is going on around you, and will watch your brother play. You've been finding him hilarious lately, which makes me smile. You will crack up at something he does, which makes him crack up in return and make my heart sore.
You often rock back and forth while you are sitting...kind of like you are grooving to music, it's so cute!
You have been LOVING the Johnny Jump Up lately, and will bounce up and down for sooo long! It's really fun to watch you play in there!
While we were dealing with sickness and travel, I got in the habit of bringing you into bed with me or Daddy bringing you out on the couch. It just melts my heart the way you would reach out and touch my face, snuggle into me, and then drift off to sleep...many times I just laid there and took you in...my precious, long awaited daughter...
Lukey, you have become a BUSY BOY this month!! You have started going from sitting to laying on your tummy in two seconds flat, and you are sooooo ready to be crawling! You get SO.MAD. that you can't move fast and far just yet. When we were at GrandDad and Grannie Annie's last week you would literally grab onto the carpet in front of you to try and pull yourself along. You seem so frustrated and I want to help you! Daddy "assisted" you yesterday by bending your knees for you and showing you how to crawl...maybe that will take =). I lay a blanket on the floor for you guys each day, and it's becoming more and more pointless! You are on your belly and rolling all over the living room within minutes of being put down. You made your way to the hardwoods yesterday and seemed to love that you could slide around in a 360 with much more ease.
You still love to be held and to cuddle, but when we are holding you and standing still, you are busy looking around and lunging to get down! You so want to explore!! But you still are plenty affectionate, and for that I am grateful =). You have started giving us open mouth kisses, and they just may be my favorite thing ever. You lean forward with that sloppy wet mouth wide open and wait for us to meet your lips. Precious. You give more and more kisses every day!
You are finally starting to stand more. Not yet unassisted, but standing really firmly assisted. You didn't have that reflex for months, and we have been waiting for it to appear. It concerned me in the beginning, but both your orthopedist and your ped said that 30% of babies just don't have that reflex! But now, you are love to stand and your sturdy legs lock solid on any hard surface.
You are still SUCH a smiley boy, and we can't get enough of your grins! And you have really been belly laughing a lot lately, which makes us laugh, which makes you laugh...and on and on =). It's so fun. You love playing games like Peek-a-Boo and you will just laugh in anticipation before we even pop up!
You are becoming a bit of a pickier eater lately. If you don't like something, you try and grab it back out of your mouth and put it on your tray. Seeing as how most your food is mush, this is quite messy. You almost always look like a piece of abstract art when you are done with a meal. And you HATE to have your face cleaned off. But you sure do love finger foods. You get so excited you start to shake when we bring out the puffs, and we pour a few on your tray and you DIVE for them!
Your favorite toy lately is a blue bath toy. You will sit and wait in your bath seat -ignoring all other toys- until Daddy drops it in the tub, and then you lunge for it. We usually let you bring it into the bedroom after bath time while we put your jammies on, one because you have a death grip on it, and two because then it keeps your hands busy and then you don't feel the need to try and grab everything else around the changing pad =).
You are very attached to your lovie, which is a blue bear/tiny blanket that you get at naptime and bedtime. You LOVE this thing and when we lay you in your crib you immediately turn to the side and reach your hands up by your face for us to put the lovie in. A few times in the early morning I have let you bring it out to the living room to cuddle on the couch, and it never leaves your tight grip =).
Your hair is getting so much lighter, and would almost be considered blonde at this point. Your eyes are still a gorgeous blue, and yes - you still have eyelashes for days. I can't take you anywhere without someone commenting on what amazing lashes you have!
You still love to reach up and touch my face or play with my hair when I am nursing you or when you are laying next to me or in my lap, and I just love it. We stare into each others eyes and just smile at one another, and I feel more like the luckiest Momma on the face of this Earth....
We love you so much Lucas and Abigail, and we simply could not imagine the last 8 months without you in our lives. It has not been easy, and your Daddy and I are far from perfect, but we would do it all again - ALL of it- in a heartbeat. You two are worth every moment. Being your parents is the best gift we could ever ask for.
And here are our attempts at 8 month pics:
(had to start putting the sign above their heads as of last month...)
(...because if I put it anywhere near them, this happens...)
Aren't they just precious!? Sometimes I think if I had a spoon big enough, I could eat them up.
Oh- and would you believe that Abbey's shirt is actually the very first dress she ever wore?
Check it out...