Did you watch? Aren't you relieved today that Jim and Pam are still doing ok? My sister in law and I were anxious after the cliff hanger last week and were watching intently last night.
Again, I do realize there are bigger issues in the world then the current state of a fictional couple's relationship.
Try not to judge me.
Second of all...In an effort to change my attitude about the current state of rain here, I tried something new the other day. I had read somewhere once about a girl who chose to view the rain falling on her as a baptism of sorts...
Ok, I honestly can't type any further until I confess that the book I read that in was in fact this one:Yes, that is Tori Spelling. Yes, I read her book.
Again, try not to judge me. (if it helps my case at all, I was not impressed.)
Anyways, I tried to think of the rain that way the other morning as I walked from the parking garage- which may as well be in Guam- to my office.
It did not work.
The ankles of my pant legs were soaked from the puddles I could not avoid. My face was wet. And the significant amount of time I spent blow drying and straightening my hair in the morning was completely reversed in a relatively insignificant amount of time.
Ugh. Not loving the rain.
And thirdly, speaking of my hair....I am in serious need of a cut. I looked in the mirror this morning, and this is what I saw:I have not had it cut since August. Why? Because I am afraid. Since we moved to Portland I have yet to find a hairstylist here. The few times I have had it cut in the year and a half we have lived here I have driven back down to Salem for it. That's over an hour's drive.
I know, I know.
But you see I had... an incident. A bad hair incident. It is now commonly referred to (by me) as The Hair Crisis of June of '06.
It's my 'Nam. I commonly have horrible flashbacks and can just now discuss it without tearing up.
Ok, I kid a little. But it was bad.
It happened because I went to someone new. It was a salon I was familiar with, but a stylist I wasn't. I told her that I wanted a shorter 'do -about shoulders length- with some subtle layers. She then proceeded to chop my hair to my chin and give me layers that were so drastic they looked as if a weed-whacker had produced them.
I cried when I got to my car.
Even my family and friends who love me said things like "Oh my goodness, what did you do?" and "Hmmm...well, it's only hair, it will grow...." when they saw it.
My sweet husband dutifully tried to make me feel better, "I think it's cute..." hope! He doesn't hate it!! ..."but I think I did like it better longer". And back to despair...
It took months before I could even pull half of it back in a clip.
It has since fully recovered, which I am grateful for, but now I sit here in fear about trying someone new again. I simply cannot justify that long a of a commute for hair anymore. Well, that and my husband has pretty much gone from finding my need to drive over an hour for a trim kind of adorable, to kind of (or quite...) annoying.
And one final ramble for the morning...they are playing Christmas music on the radio station we listen to at work!! YAHOO!! Some people (that I'm married to) don't love the fact that Christmas is being advertised so early, but I for one adore this time of year and am ready to fully embrace the season!!!
On that note, Happy Friday to all of you in BloggerVille!!
You crack me up!
And I can so relate to the hair predicament. Oh how your experience touches me deeply. :)
Hope the rain stops soon!! And I with you - Christmas tunes welcome here!
You're too funny...but I feel your pain. Half of the reason I'm stalking the blogs of Nashville women is so that they learn to recognize my screen name, and that I can someday soon not look like a complete weirdo when I ask for a salon recommendation. It took me 25 years to find a good stylist, and now I have to leave her behind. Waaa! =(
Oh, and Pam, you were so smart to go back to Scranton "all wrong." Even if it WASN'T "for Jim." ;)
Hey Monica, my best friend lives in Nashville and has a great stylist. If you're interested comment on my blog and I'll connect you two.
Kendra, I SO know about bad haircuts. I haven't found a good stylist yet either, which is most of the reason my hair stays in a pony tail right now. And living in the rain - with all the frizz I have to combat - would make me a crazy person. I wouldn't need a stylist, because I would abandon it altogether and never wear my hair down again.
The hair thing I feel you on...but I, sadly, have to admit that I don't like Christmas music. Gasp! lol!
Yay, I'm mentioned in your blog!
I had a good time with you last night. I love our Office night. :)
Sorry dear sister, I'm not much of an Office fan myself. Gasp. I know, I'm in the minority. I love the little pictures you've attached to illustrate your points. They made me laugh. Slow day at the office I guess. :)
My hubby can't stand Christmas anything before Thanksgiving. Getting him to the tree lighting ceremony last night was a big deal.
Good luck with the stylist search. I've only had my hair cut twice since getting pregnant with Cadence and she's practically 15 months old. I had a great stylist in Maui. Sigh. Sadly, it's not so much a fear of getting a bad haircut as it is I'm simply too cheap to spend money on myself. I'm worth it darn it. But I'm also just so lacking that hair styling gene that you and Natalie got in spades that it doesn't really bother me too much. :)
I can certainly understand the hair predicament. I still drive over 50 miles (round trip) to get my hair cut by the same person I have gone to for years.
I was certainly relieved to know that Jim and Pam were OK. They left us hanging, didn't they?
I'm right there with you on the Christmas music, too. I LOVE Christmas music and could listen to it year round! It was playing on the radio this morning on our way to church! Yay!
OMG!! I had the same thing happen to me with the hair...except I was in middle school...which to me, makes it worse. I had to go to school and deal with all the students at school talking about it. Never again!!!!
I think that's why I would NEVER cut hair...I'd hate to ruin someone's life :)
No, no, no Christmas music yet - not until Thanksgiving.
I have been wanting to thank you for the encouraging words you have posted on my blog awhile ago. The Internet can really bring people together, after all!
I have enjoyed reading your posts and hope you are doing well =)
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