Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A first, and then another

This morning something amazing happened! And then another something amazing shortly after that!

After just a wake up or two last night (that they either worked out on their own, or were able to be soothed back to sleep by David - have I mentioned lately how thankful I am to have such a helpful husband??) I nursed Luke around 5:20am this morning, and while out on the couch nursing him I started to hear Abbey talking through the monitor. Since Luke was close to finishing and looking like he was going to fall back asleep, and since Abbey sounded content to just lay in her crib for a bit, I just kept on nursing him. When he finished I got up and walked slowly down the hallway towards the nursery to lay him back in his crib, and right then David appeared to get Abbey. He took her out in the living room while I laid Luke down, and when I came out of the nursery and walked down the hall, Abbey reached for me and said "Ma-ma!".

I swear she did.

It made my heart swell with pride and love, and my eyes fill with tears of joy.

And then, after I nursed her we were sitting on the couch just hanging out and David came to sit down next to us and play for a bit before he had to get ready for work. Abbey leaned over and looked at him and said "Da-da".

That's right.

Both babies have been babbling mamamamama and dadaddadada for awhile now, but this was the first time either one has really called us by "name".

8 1/2 months is really a fun stage!


Once Upon A Time said...

Where's the like button on here? How sweet! It is a great age!

the name's emily. said...


Vanessa's Dad said...

I'm undone, and I wasn't even there. But, I know what you are talking about, darlin'.


Heather said...

Congrats! Such a fun moment!

Lori said...

That is the PERFECT way to start a day!!! I am super impressed, they are smart little ones!!

Family of 5 said...

What a joy isn't it to hear those sweet voices and they know who you are!! So sweet!!! I loved this age!!

Lauren said...

Oh wow, this just made me smile BIG!!!!!

Heather said...

YES!!!!!!! That is just too cool!!!!!!

Kaycee said...

SO exciting and fun!! The first time my daughter said "Dada" to my husband he cried, it was the sweetest moment. You just don't forget those sort of firsts. :)